Ask Katharina – March 2019

Dear Katharina,

I remember that you mentioned in a video that Geopathic Stress can be the reason for children’s grades dropping after they move to a new school or classroom. I think this is what is happening to my grandson. He was doing really well at school, but since he moved to a new class, he is having a hard time to concentrating and is not doing well at all. He is very frustrated. He likes the teachers and the subjects but just doesn’t seem to be able to hold his focus for very long.

What can I do? How I can help him? I would be grateful for some help.

Thank you.

Best regards,

Diana S.

Dear Diana,

There are several things you can do. You can go to the school and look outside the classroom to see if you notice any trees that are not growing straight up, cracks in the pavement or walls, or ant hills in the grass. These are signs for Geopathic Stress. If your grandson can swap places with a student who is doing well (i.e. can focus and has no issues comprehending the subject) and he notices significant change at the new seat, then this is most certainly a sign that a Geopathic Stress line is going through the place he used to sit.

To remedy this, you can apply the Slim Spurling Method for locating and blocking Geopathic Stress Lines. You can purchase our DVD, Geobiology, Dowsing & Light-Life Tools, in which Slim explains his method. This DVD was made around 1995 and gives you the directions on how to block Geopathic Stress yourself. Or, your best option would be to come to our next workshop here in Erie, CO on April 6-7, 2019 to learn Slim’s method first-hand. Scott Anderson, who was trained by Slim and is an expert in the method, is coming to teach with me. Not only will we go outside and dowse, you will also learn other ways to protect yourself and apply the Light-Life Tools in your daily life for improved health and well-being.

You can also hire a dowser who is familiar with the Slim Spurling Method and can do the dowsing for you.

I hope this helps. Please keep me posted and let me know what helped your grandson.

Warm regards,


PS: Did your grandson only change class room or did the family move to a new location? If that’s the case he could also have Geopathic Stress in his bedroom and that could also affect his health.

Hello Katharina,

While I am excited about spring coming I am also concerned about pollens. I have a tree pollen allergy and was wondering if you can recommend a Light-Life Tool to help reduce the effects.


Monika S.

Dear Monika,

Thank you so much for your email. I would definitely recommend our Nose Masks.

We’ve had many positive reports with different allergies from pollen to hay fever. Depending on your circumstances, I would wear it at home of course, when driving in the car, and if you’re out and about and don’t care what people think (like if you’re outside walking). You may want to put one of those white surgical masks over it that people wear during cold season. I personally like the copper Nose Mask the best. I sometimes have sinus issues and it helps me a lot. Some people don’t like the smell of the copper and prefer the gold or silver plated ones. One of our practitioners likes everything in silver because of the additional detox effect she notices.

You can also place a 2 Sacred Cubit Light-Life Tensor Ring under your pillow at night. It may help relieve some of the symptoms.

I hope this helps. Please keep me posted.

All the best!


Dear Katharina,

I have an over-active bladder and I was wondering if your Light-Life Tools can help me.
Thank you.

Suzanne M.

Dear Suzanne,

Thank you so much for asking your question. I know many face this challenge and are looking for alternative solutions. In one of our last workshops some women talked about the issue and one of them smiled, pointed to her fanny pack and said that since she has been wearing a ½ Sacred Cubit Light-Life Ring her symptoms have been significantly reduced.

Once she added the Sacred Cubit Feedback Loop, she has no more issues. That is – by the way – the fun part about coming to a workshop. People are sharing experiences about how they use the tools. I always learn something new! Also, so far in every workshop we have had healers who make great contributions during session time. I cannot see energy, but some of them can and they come up with ideas for placement of the tools that I wouldn’t have thought of. I place the tools intuitively and of course always check with the client.

Maybe you can join us for our next workshop. I’m sure you would enjoy it and I would love to meet you in person.
Let me know if you try it and how it’s working for you.

Warm regards,

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