Did you know there are harmful earth energies that negatively affect you?

Did you know there are harmful earth energies that negatively affect you through your health, your finances, relationships and more? These harmful energy zones are called geopathic stress lines and the Hartmann Grid, to name the most important ones. Slim Spurling found a very inexpensive yet most effective way to locate these lines using dowsing rods. But most importantly, he also found a way to block them.

Dowsing and blocking these harmful earth energies can bring improvements in all areas of your life. Even where you had stress and or health issues without any apparent reason. Where I come from in Bavaria, Germany, dowsing for geopathic stress and water veins is well known. However, dowsers that are not familiar with the Slim Spurling Method will tell you that you have to move your furniture to find relief. Therefore, I was super excited when I learned about Slim’s method of blocking these lines. It saved people from changing the interior of their homes.

Dowsing Workshop Coming this Summer

Have you not heard of dowsing or geopathic stress and want to learn more about it? You are in luck. My good friend Scott Anderson, who was trained by Slim, will be conducting a dowsing workshop in the Philadelphia area on July 2nd, 2022. Scott has been teaching Slim’s dowsing workshops with me since April 2008. He is a great teacher, and we will learn a lot while having fun in the process. I am excited because I will be attending as well. At the end of the day, we will also talk about the Light-Life Tools.

Scott Anderson Dowsing

If you cannot attend, don’t want to wait that long to learn more about dowsing, or want to practice a bit, get the Geobiology, Dowsing & Light-Life Tools, DVD. Just know, you don’t want to practice dowsing on the days on and around full moon. These are very inauspicious days for dowsing for geopathic stress lines. Why? Because the full moon expands everything, and that includes geopathic stress lines and the Hartmann Grid. That means lines can overlap and it can get very frustrating to find the lines and block them.

I will tell you more about the lunar cycles in another blog. So, stay tuned!

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