Earth Day April 2021

April is an important month to me because it is my birth month as well as the celebration of Earth Day. This is to say, when it is a significant birthday, I take some time to re-evaluate my life. In other words, I look at what will I keep, moving forward, and what will I let go of that may not be serving me anymore and why? After all, I created it. Now it’s time to focus on what I really want and create that.

What can you do to celebrate Earth Day?

Similarly, this corresponds to Earth Day as it reminds us to take care of our planet. Let’s focus on our vision for our planet and on some changes that can positively affect it. For instance, choose to walk or bike instead of drive when you can. Take a little shorter shower to save some water each day. Turn down your hot water heater a couple of degrees. You will not only use less electricity but save a few dollars each year in the process.

What can the Harmonizers do for your life and your environment?

At Light-Life Technology we strive to create harmony and health for all living beings and our planet. Slim Spurling designed the Harmonizers to reduce environmental pollution and increase our wellbeing. Every day they are in use worldwide with great success. We use ours every day and invite all of you to do the same.
Please read our latest blog to learn about the different aspects and applications of our Environmental Harmonizers.

The Energy Harmonizer Family

How can we positively affect the hazardous energies of 5G?

Our New Dimension Community Empowerment Harmonizer 24 K gold plated was designed and has been reported to assist with the harmful energies of 5G. If you are concerned about the harmful effects of 5G, this might be the right Tool for you. The New Dimension Community Empowerment Harmonizer is very powerful and is said to clean all kinds of environmental pollution, pacify and smooth irritating energies created by 5G, balance our environment, and much more. It is a perfect addition for anyone looking to create positive change in their own life and also positively affect their environment and neighborhood.

New Dimension Community Empowerment Harmonizer

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