April is one of my favorite months. It’s my birthday, the spring weather is beautiful and most importantly, all of us get to join in to celebrate Earth Day! Earth Day was inspired by activist Rachel Carson, whose writings sparked the global environmental movement. Her most famous work Silent Spring aired on CBS in 1963 and brought international awareness about the negative effects pesticides have on the planet.

The first Earth Day was on April 22, 1970. It was an initiative created by Senator Gaylord Nelson of Wisconsin, who much like Ms. Carson, thought environmental issues were not being taken seriously. His efforts proved to resonate with the people as over 20 million people around the world chose to join in the celebration. Now we have over 250 million around the globe who join in celebrating Mother Earth and focusing on ways we can conserve our beautiful planet.

I know Slim would be so thrilled to know how much the crowds have increased over the years in our efforts on environmental conservation. He built the Light-Life Harmonizers with his intentions set on restoring the health of the planet. In one of his interviews he was asked if pollution could completely be eradicated and the damage reversed. In true Slim form he simply replied “I don’t see why not!”. He estimated that if an Agricultural Harmonizer is placed every 70-80 miles from the North to South pole that the atmosphere would be 99% clear of any smog or pollution. Isn’t that an incredible thought?

After Slim’s passing I made it my mission to carry on his legacy. Not only do I have a deep respect for the tools my late husband left in his wake, but his purpose was something we can continue to benefit from forever. If we all lived our lives that way, thinking about what we can contribute to the planet rather than what we can take, then I truly believe this would be an absolutely gorgeous and peaceful place for all to live.
Mother Earth gives all of us life. We wouldn’t be able to breathe, eat or drink without her bountiful gifts. Much like Slim, I believe we can restore her back to balance. Sad, but true, we could have a learned a lot from our Native American ancestors who respected the planet in such a way that they only took what they needed. They did their best to live in harmony with the animals and plants in their immediate environment.

Einstein once said that we can’t use the same technology to fix a problem created by it. The Light-Life Tools are a completely new approach to restoring the environment. Changing our ways of interacting with the environment is not going to change overnight. We are starting to recycle more, but the rate of change is not faster than the current destruction. Our oceans are becoming more polluted each year and the coral reefs which provide safety to thousands of creatures are slowly being eroded. Fracking, which is still a popular method for oil extraction from the land, is said to cause extreme devastation to the land and cause earthquakes.
While all this information may seem bleak, it’s important to stay informed and it’s important to know that their is a solution. The most important purchase you could probably make in a lifetime is a Light-Life Harmonizer. Not only are you taking a small step for mankind, but you can see immediate results in your life. Our research and findings are immense and we hope you’ll do your part in helping us spread the word about this brilliant new technology based upon ancient knowledge.And, remember, it’s heirloom which you can pass on from generation to generation!

I’m wishing you a very happy Earth Day! Please be sure to share your images of your Harmonizers at work! We ask that you all activate yours with the Environmental Clearing CD on Saturday, April 22 as we join together in helping our earth heal.
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