How can you find your truth with the Pyramid Pendant? Who is the Pyramid Pendant for and is it for me? What can our Pyramid Pendant do for you?

The Pyramid Pendant seems to work first and foremost inside you. It takes disrupted energies in our chakras, clears it out so that the energies coming into our system can harmonize our chakras. It can also assist our body in its self-healing process.
One of the psychic readings we received about this Light-Life Tool states the following:
“The Pyramid assists to realign and harmonize your energetic matrix that goes throughout your entire energy field body. It also goes through your mental and emotional body as well. Additionally, it assists in re-establishing harmonious configuration so that you are flowing with your energies on all levels. This can bring about greater increase in the self-healing ability of the body. It also brings self-awareness and alignment of harmony on all levels. The Pyramid Pendant assists to raise your vibrations, to raise your light back into awareness. It helps raise greater harmony physically, mentally, and emotionally. Allowing you to be raised back into the light and the truth of who you are. Wearing this Pendant assists you throughout your entire spiritual journey, as well as simply the journey of your life, so that you are pulsating with radiant light to raise the vibration, not only of yourself but wherever you go.”
Tests with the Mini-Pyramid Pendant showed that it strengthened the energy field of the wearer even with negative thoughts. Reports from customers tell us that it helped grumpy and bitter men to let go of old issues. This helps them become who they really are, a pleasant person to be around.