Harmony in Hurricane Season

Light-Life Tools Storm Chaser

Did you know that the Storm Chaser was created by Slim after Hurricane Katrina in 2005? As June marks the start of hurricane season, I thought it was important to highlight the usefulness of this tool as well as our other Harmonizers. I’ve included Slim’s words from his book about this tool:

The Storm Chaser came about as a result of my concern for the increasing levels of pollution, which exacerbates the natural tendency of tornadoes and hurricanes to wreak havoc. Hurricanes start off the coast of Africa as a result of the massive density of positively charged dust particles which blow off the west coast (the Skeleton Coast) during periodic sand storms in the summer months. These positively charged ions have a counterclockwise spin – or a negative spin. Anything with a positive charge and a negative spin is destructive to life. These charged ions tend to drag the atmosphere into a massive counterclockwise rotation which, depending on the density of the charge and duration of the sandstorm, may develop into a tropical storm and then a hurricane.

As the cyclonic rotation persists, it draws in (+) charges from different levels of the atmosphere consisting of any or all of the listed air pollutants: CO2, SO2, NOX, hydrocarbons (all toxic materials have a (+) charge). As we have all seen on the weather channel, these storms pull in clouds and atmospheric components from hundreds of thousands of cubic miles of atmosphere. As the density of the toxins increase and (+) charges accumulate near the center, the force behind the storm rotation increases.

Based on my personal observation of atmospheric pollution in the Caribbean during a couple of flights over the area, it is far and away more polluted than any comparable area I have seen in the past 10 years, with the exception of Belgium on my first flight over that country in ‘97. So we can see that these storms initiated off the coast of Africa rapidly increase in strength in the Caribbean and Gulf as they pull in polluted air from the populated mainland.

These huge storms are now appearing in the southern hemisphere; witness the recent one in Australia called Larry (2006) and the first ever storm off Brazil last year (2005). This is attributed to the increasing pollution and resultant drought conditions in that hemisphere. The impact of treaties related to globalization speaks to the issues of industrialization and the increasing use of petroleum fuels in the less developed world, as well.

Having a clear grasp of what lies behind the upsurge of violent weather that is wreaking so much havoc all over the globe, I decided to develop a Harmonizer that can cover large volumes of atmosphere. While the effects of my Environmental and Agricultural Harmonizers have been well demonstrated and proven over and over again, their field radius is not big enough to handle storms of this magnitude. In order to cover the amount of atmosphere that feeds these “super hurricanes”, I had to invent a larger unit. This is what led to the creation of the Storm Chaser in 2004.

To give you an idea of what the Storm Chasers are capable of, it might help you to know that right after the Katrina disaster (2005) I sent the first units to Florida where they were installed in Pensacola, Sarasota and Vero Beach. The next unit was sent to a site near Galveston, Texas, about 200 miles inland.

Predicted to be heading toward the middle of the Florida coast, Hurricane Wilma (2005) got diverted by the Storm Chaser manned by Anthony Cowan in Sarasota. That storm hit the Keys briefly. It then scooted out to sea and took a sudden northeastern path. Deprived of its negative ionic charge over the cooler Atlantic, Wilma dissipated rapidly, due to the high numbers of different sized Harmonizers maintained by people in our network up and down the Eastern seaboard.

Hurricane Rita (2005) was predicted to hit Galveston and inexplicably shifted to a Northeastern course, heading toward Houston instead. When it got to Houston, the eye of that storm ran into the 65-mile wall of energy produced by the dozen active Agricultural Harmonizers manned by the people in Sandee Mac’s network. Rita lost her steam and collapsed suddenly a few miles out to sea.

If you don’t have a copy of In The Mind of a Master, I highly recommend that you pick one up as you continue to heal and grow using the Light-Life Tools. It contains fabulous testimonials and information such as this, directly from Slim from one of his workshops, that can help explain how and why each tool was invented.


When you hear of a hurricane threat, I ask all of you to put your Harmonizers on a map of the area in the world that is affected by a tropical storm. While having a Storm Chaser is ideal, I truly understand that it doesn’t fit everyone’s budget. There are so many Harmonizers available! We’ve found that the Sacred Cubit Harmonizers seem to be the best at potentially diverting storms, however all of them will work. Remember to put your intention in and they work even better.. After you’ve placed your Harmonizer on the map, put a ring around the area you want to affect, turn on the Environmental Clearing CD (or download the mp3 file) and put headphones around the Harmonizer. This frequency was created by Slim to clean the air and seems to work best for diverting tornadoes and hurricanes.

If you or a loved one lives in an area that is currently being affected by a storm please do not hesitate to notify us. We often send emails alerting our worldwide community of the situation and it’s so powerful to watch everyone band together in solidarity. Together we truly make a difference!

Lastly, when setting your intention as you activate the Harmonizer ask for collapsing hurricanes so no one else gets hurt. Wishing you all a very enjoyable summer that is free of natural disasters and hurricanes!


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