Sacred and Lost Cubit Personal Harmonizer
I just received my Sacred Cubit Mini Personal Harmonizer. In only a couple of days, I have noticed subtle changes in my mood and responses to situations without putting any intentional thought into it!!
Before I even started wearing the Harmonizer, I allowed myself time to acclimate with it into my aura and “pair” with it but……… already, I am sensing a wonderful uplifting change and I am just delighted!!
Again, thank you so much for all you do Katharina, I look forward to being part of the solution on our dear planet.
There was something about the Personal Harmonizer that drew me to it… After putting it on, I noticed a spinning sensation around me. Also, my vibration was raised and my sense of well-being was dramatically improved. Additionally, my depression lifted, and never came back. One evening I went to visit a friend, and he didn’t open the door at first. He didn’t even recognize me by the new energy I was running.
Also, I had a clairvoyant friend take a look at it. She says that it makes my aura spin faster (higher vibration) and makes the aura denser. I think this Tool is a great first step for those just beginning to become more spiritual and want to explore their own energy.”
Since wearing the silver-plated Lost Cubit Personal Harmonizer, I feel people have become friendlier towards me. I have also become more self-confident since I started wearing it. It is such a beautiful piece! Thank you!
Katie Gray

Unity Personal Harmonizer
Wearing my Unity necklace at the store is like shopping inside a peaceful bubble. I don’t feed off other people’s energy, so standing in a long checkout line doesn’t feel overwhelming. I get smiles from strangers rather than scowls, especially when one of my kids bumps into someone. And when I’m driving places, other drivers seem to give me space and I feel this safety net surrounding my vehicle.
The first Tool I ordered was a Unity Personal Harmonizer. After about three weeks of wearing it, I found a discernable difference in my attitude towards others. I felt that I had noticeably more compassion and acceptance of the foibles of others. Also, I have noticed my intuitive abilities are amped way up beyond anything I’ve had before.