Signs of Geopathic Stress and the Hartmann Grid

Did you know there are many signs of geopathic stress and the Hartmann Grid to watch out for? In a previous blog post, I talked about what geopathic stress is along with what the Hartmann Grid is.

Today, I am going to ask questions that can point out different signs of geopathic stress and the Hartmann Grid. If you answer yes to any of them, I highly recommend you check out Slim Spurling’s method of dowsing to locate and block those lines. His method is very effective and applied world-wide.

Let’s start with visual signs in and around your home:

  • Are there trees and other plants growing crooked around your home?
  • Are there cracks in the driveway or in the walls inside your home?
  • Do you see ant hills on your lawn and/or a bee’s nest in the siding of your house?
  • Do you have areas in your garden where nothing wants to grow?
  • Is there a cell phone tower in your area?

Here are some signs of geopathic stress and Hartmann Grid in your personal and professional life:

  • Do you have health symptoms that no one can find the source of, that disappear when you are traveling?
  • Did you have construction going on in your area? Have you since then developed health issues and/or stress in your relationships?
  • Has sleep quality gone down since moving into your new home? Have your child’s grades gone down after moving into a new classroom or school?
  • Does your workspace makes you feel ill even though you enjoy the work and like your colleagues? 
  • Is your business not thriving anymore or have you noticed a location in your town where no business seems to thrive for no apparent reason?
Signs of Geopathic Stress

I think you get an idea now what to look for. The good thing is, we have a very simple and effective solution to remedy those issues so you can live life to the fullest. Come join us at our upcoming dowsing workshop in Philadelphia where you can learn how to help yourself as well as family and friends. Plus, if you haven’t watched it yet, or cannot make it to the workshop in Philadelphia, make sure you get Slim Spurlings’s DVD, Geobiology, Dowsing, & Light-Life Tools

I am very passionate about bringing awareness to geopathic stress and the Hartmann Grid as I know it can improve your quality of life in all areas and even save lives. See you in Philly! 

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