Did you know Slim discovered that storms can be diverted using a Light-Life Tensor Ring? He had shared during a workshop about a storm he had diverted that was building with gray-green clouds. These are the kind of clouds that can potentially cause hail or even tornadoes. Here is Slim’s first experience:
“One afternoon, after some thunderclaps and a bit of lightening, I saw that a little storm was about to blow through. The cloud cover looked heavy and gray-green. Most country men like myself know that this can mean a tornado. When the lightening began to pick up, I grabbed a Tensor Ring and moved it along the view of the storm front, sweeping it back and forth with the beam of the Ring pointing right into the path of the storm. In less than a minute, the lightening in the vicinity stopped.
I got on the phone and called Bill, who lived about 5 miles away, and told him what had happened. I told him to take a Tensor Ring and try the same thing down in his area. Fifteen minutes later, Bill called me back and reported that after sweeping the Ring across the storm front, he had gotten exactly the same results.”
In Bavaria, where I lived at the time, we had hail storms every now and then. One day, I was sitting with a friend on my terrasse having coffee when I saw hail clouds building. I went inside and picked up one of my Sacred 3 ½ Cubit Light-Life Tensor Rings. Holding it like a satellite dish, I pointed the Ring at a cloud, moving it back and forth a bit. Within a few minutes, the cloud changed color and then a blue sky became visible. I repeated it with the next cloud and had the same effect.
One of our customers, who lives near a vineyard in Italy, told us that he used a Lost 3 ½ Cubit Heavy Light-Life Tensor Ring on an incoming storm with great results. He was able to save the huge vineyard from hail damage.

Some people also had great success using only the Sacred 1 Cubit Light-Life Tensor Ring during hikes or camping trips when noticing a storm brewing. This is why I recommend to always carry one with you when you go hiking. We want you to be safe when enjoying the outdoors. By throwing a Ring into your bag, you’ll always be prepared for storms that can be diverted using a Light-Life Tensor Ring.