Our intentions in May are set towards remembrance. We’ve been busy remembering our mothers on Mother’s Day and our fallen soldiers on Memorial Day. What if we go even farther back into antiquity and remember our kings and Egyptians pharaohs? If you remember, the Sacred Cubit we are using is based off of measurements from the Great Pyramid of Giza!
Emerald Mountain, or as the Romans called it Mons Smaragdus, was located deep in the desert of Cairo. The Egyptians are given credit in the archaeological record for being the first to mine this green beauty back in 3,500 B.C. The first mines were developed in 330 B.C. and remained open until 1237 A.D. The record shows they mysteriously disappeared at this point in time, right around the death of Sultan Al-Kamil. It interested me enough to review more about this gentlemen. He, his three brothers and his son were the collective rulers of Egypt, Palestine, Yemen, Jordan, Syria and Jazira (now known as Upper Mesopotamia). This marked the time of the Sixth Crusade. Before another war could erupt, Al-Kamil made a treaty with the Crusaders to evacuate Egypt. In return he struck a 10 year deal of peace. He returned Jerusalem and all holy sites back to the Crusader Kingdom. Perhaps the mines were secretly covered over so the crusaders wouldn’t know how much money they lost out in the deal!
The Emerald Mountain of Cairo remained quiet until its discovery in 1816 by French explorer Frederic Cailliaud. At that time not many emeralds were discovered and they were seen as milky, included and not as fine as the emeralds that were currently being mined in Columbia. Folklore has it that sorcery and magic contributed to the disappearance of the fine emeralds in the Egyptian archaeological record. It makes me laugh as according to friends, Slim was able to make himself ‘disappear’ when doing geopathic stress work on land where he’d be considered trespassing. Perhaps there is a cubit length that produces this effect! It’s fun to explore the thought.
What is real, tangible and oh so powerful, is emeralds and it’s easy to understand why. Emerald marks the birthstone of May and has been metaphysically coined as the “stone of successful love”. It restores balance to the heart chakra, promotes loyalty, friendship and deepens love and connections.
Some of you may remember that we used to manufacture a collection of Light-Life Tools jewelry with gemstones. Our healing community let us know that Light-Life Tools amplify the energy and properties of gemstones, while quartz crystals apparently amplify the energy of the Harmonizer. If you are into playing with crystals, creating beautiful crystal mandalas, be sure next time you build one to incorporate some emeralds if you need a love boost! And for an added benefit, always keep your Harmonizer in the center so it can work on amplifying all your good intentions! May the kingdom of happiness be yours!
Very informative! On Thu, May 25, 2017 at 1:02 PM Light-Life Tools wrote:
> Katharina Spurling-Kaffl posted: ” Our intentions in May are set towards > remembrance. We’ve been busy remembering our mothers on Mother’s Day and > our fallen soldiers on Memorial Day. What if we go even farther back into > antiquity and remember our kings and Egyptians pharaohs? If you reme” >
Thank you Denise! If there are any topics you’d like to see me write about in the blog please do not hesitate to ask!
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