Have you ever heard of Dr. Masutu Emoto? The name might not immediately ring a bell, but the pictures may refresh your memory. He is a researcher and author that claims human consciousness has an effect on the molecular structure of water.

Dr. Emoto’s experiments have included exposing water to various emotions, for example writing the word ‘love’ and taping it to a water bottle or having people send that intention towards the water. He then freezes samples of the water and photographs the water’s molecular structure using microscopes. It’s profound to see what water looks like when exposed to hate versus love!

I’m extremely grateful for Dr. Emoto’s work as it visually demonstrates the power of intention. All of the Light-Life Tools work even better when you use your intention. While the Light-Life Rings seem to amplify scalar energy (better known as life force energy), each person is already operating at a different frequency. For example, as I’ve mentioned in a previous blog, anger operates at 32 Hz while love operates at 528 Hz. Further studies have shown that disease or death can start to creep in when a person is operating at 28 Hz of energy or less.

Dr. Emoto’s photography shows this concept visually. Our bodies are composed of approximately 60% water. If we set our intention in a certain direction it’s easy to see why our frequencies change!

Those who operate at a higher frequency may see faster results with the tools. The reason for this is that if you are operating at a lower frequency, first the tool needs to bring your body up to a more positive frequency focusing on your physical health before the tool can have any effect on your mind or your spirit. Even if the tool doesn’t seem to be working, I ask you to give it some time. The Lotus Pendant is reported to bring your body’s DNA back to its natural blueprint in about 30-60 days when wearing it constantly. If this is the first holistic method you’ve tried, I highly recommend giving your body that time to reset. You might not see the changes but your body may be healing itself and rebalancing to center.

Once your body is back in balance you can see much faster results with our tools. They can help with the physical, mental or emotional realms of the body. I’ve been witness to miraculous events: watching broken bones heal, having a client’s ripped hernia magically repair itself, animals becoming disease free without vaccines, plants rejuvenating, insects disappearing. Sometimes I have to warn our beautiful community to be careful what you wish for! If you are operating at a higher frequency and are wearing a Lost Cubit Light-Life Ring around your neck you can very quickly manifest your desires.

Before I sign off for today, I want to leave you with your own experiment. Do you own our Practitioners Set? In the set you’ll find a Light-Life Ring, Light-Life Feedback Loop and Light-Life Acu-Vac Coil. When you set a glass of water in the Ring and attach the Feedback Loop and Acu-Vac Coil to the ring, you are super potentizing the water. Potentize is a ‘holistic’ term for balancing the pH of the water. It brings your water from a negative to a positive charge.

Please let us know how the water potentization is working for you. While a picture is worth a thousand words your health is priceless. Let us know how the potentized water makes you feel and if it’s helped you recover from any ailments. I’m always so grateful to receive your testimonials. It’s such a honor to work in a field where our tools are truly a benefit to all.

Pingback: The Power of Intention | Light-Life® Tools
I wrote down my intention. Took my harmonizer placed it on my knee. Took my tuning fork and used it to send the healing frequency into the pain. All while focusing on the purple light spectrum that was cast around the room from the sunlight on the crystal hanging in my window. The swelling and pain significantly reduced.
Thank you for sharing your experience with us, Susan!