The principles of sacred geometry and quantum physics are nothing new. However, it wasn’t until Slim created the Light-Life Tools in the 1990s had the world ever seen a practical application of the concepts.The Sacred Cubit Light-Life Rings are built using the cubit lengths that were instrumental in constructing the Great Pyramids in Giza. The Sacred, or Royal, Cubit has a length of 20.62 inches and has been confirmed by archeologists, scientists and physicists across the world.
Slim surrounded himself with a wide array of curious minds who were on a similar quest for knowledge. Hans Becker, a mathematician and genius, befriended Slim in the late 1990s and discovered the Lost Cubit in 2000. He determined the Lost Cubit was the sum of the polar and equatorial circumferences of the earth divided by the speed of light. Sacred geometry shows that there are repeating geometrical patterns of the universe and Hans uncovered one that can offer us great benefits.

It’s been coined “lost” or “forbidden” cubit, as this previously unknown cubit measurement is not recorded anywhere in the ancient texts. The Lost Cubit fills a harmonic gap between the established Sacred and the Royal Cubits. It seems to be associated with the mental and emotional realm of our existence. Some call this cubit the ‘Fountain of Youth’ as it has been metaphysically attributed to longevity and rejuvenation. I think it’s fair to say that the application of our Lost Cubit Light-Life Rings are only limited by your imagination.

Many of our clients have testified that the Lost Cubit can greatly expedite your intentions or your dreams. Please be careful what you say when wearing this ring! The one Lost Cubit has a frequency of 177 MHZ, a harmonic of the speed of light. As mentioned in our previous blog, frequencies are an important concept that will help you better understand how the tools operate. Simply put, anger operates at a frequency of 32 Hz while love operates at 528 Hz. Positive vibes really do have an impact not only on us, but on our surroundings. The concept “Thoughts become things” is nothing new! Even Einstein adhered to this ideology when he claimed that imagination was far more important than knowledge.
The Lost Cubit has been found and we couldn’t be happier. We have immense gratitude for Hans Becker and that he shared this knowledge with us so we could bring it to all of you! We’d love to hear all your application of the Light-Life Lost Cubit Rings, Acu-Vac Coils and Harmonizers. No matter how you use your tools, please remember that they work with your frequency. Your intention is more powerful than you think!

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