Which Tool to choose is the question our customers ask when shopping for Tools. One of the ways they navigate their shopping journey, is to look for all the Tools with the type of Cubit measurement that resonates with them.
Here’s how you pick from the three size options, Sacred, Lost and Empowerment.

Sacred Cubit
The Sacred Cubit is the first Cubit measurement to be re-discovered and implemented in tensor technology called Light-Life Tools by Slim Spurling. Once this length is “constructed into a circular form and connected, it creates a column of light”. Excerpt from In the Mind of a Master. One Sacred Cubit Light-Life Tensor Ring vibrates at the frequency of 144MHz. It is an exact fraction of the circumference of the Earth. It makes me wonder; how did the Egyptians know about that?!
This means that the Sacred Cubit Tools are an excellent choice for various applications in our 3D world. This measurement oscillates at the harmonic of pure white light that our physical body responds to easily. It may harmonize physical discomfort. The Sacred Cubit also can help to clear manifestations of disharmony that we can see in our environment.
Lost Cubit
The Lost Cubit is the second Cubit measurement that was discovered by Hans Becker and Slim Spurling through further experimentation and investigation. It is also called the “hidden” Cubit. Interestingly, the 1 Lost Cubit length has an even higher frequency with 177MHz. Which provides a frequency delta of 33MHz between the Sacred and the Lost. The number 33 shows up in many conspicuous places, like 33 vertebrae in the spine. Or even the Merkabah (known as the ascension vehicle) has six points to it, which is 3+3.
This clues us into the limitless functions of the Lost Cubit Light-Life Tools. It is important for applications of things happening at a higher or more complex level than that of the Sacred Cubit measurement. Lost Cubit Light-Life Tools are incredible for things we cannot see, like our emotional states, mental loops, and chronic issues. Even physical things that we can see, but we know or suspect their origins are from the mind or from somewhere else (quantum entanglement). Some say the Lost Cubit Light-Life Tools heal by acting as a portal between one level to another. We may think an issue presenting trouble on the physical level stems from a physical origin, but there could be other factors that need to dissolve in order for that issue to finally resolve itself completely.
Empowerment Cubit
The Empowerment Cubit is the final measurement to complete the selection of Light-Life Cubits. This exact length seems to resonate with the Unified Field. It is also the largest circumference, so the correlation of it being “closest to the Universe” may feel comforting or “like home” to Starseed’s, Indigo’s or Crystal children. Therefore, this measurement is fantastic for a rainbow of high harmonic frequencies according to some participants in our research group. In theory, by positively affecting multiple layers of our energy field that may need support in clearing or holding a coherent field, the body can heal itself more easily without that resistance.

Still Need Help Deciding which Tool to choose?
Call our office or email us and chat with any one of our intuitive and knowledgeable staff members. We will be able to guide you to your own answers on what would be the perfect option for you.