The Sacred 1 Cubit Plain Jane Tensor Ring is made of twisted copper wire. It has a diameter of about 6.5 inches and weighs 1.2 oz. The Sacred Cubit Light-Life Tensor Rings are known to have an impact on 3-dimensional or physical conditions. Hence, the tensor field inside this Ring brings beneficial life-force energy to all living things within its enclosure. This Tensor Ring may help potentize your water (for drinking and watering plants), give a boost to your home plants, and neutralize the EMF. People asked Slim Spurling to make a utilitarian ring for outdoor use. Farmers have used this Ring on irrigation systems by either laying directly over the sprinkler system or over the garden hose.
The applications of the Sacred 1 Cubit Plain Jane Tensor Ring are versatile. People put these Rings around their faucets to potentize their water and make it softer. Also, people use these rings in agricultural operations or over a lawn sprinkler. In fact, one user reported that aphids disappear from roses overnight when lightly sprayed with a water hose encircled by this ring. However, one of the most popular applications for this Ring is placing it over the smart meter to neutralize the EMF coming from it. This is a great Ring for outdoor use. Your creativity can help you find more applications for it in your house and garden.
We make our Light-Life Rings in our shop in Colorado. Every Ring is unique. The measurements are based on sacred geometry and learnings from Nicola Tesla.
To learn more about Light-Life Tensor Ring please read our blog.
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