30 Years of The Denver Clearing Project

Three decades ago, Slim Spurling and ten dedicated individuals embarked on a mission to transform the Denver skyline. They called it the Denver Clearing Project. At the time, the infamous brown cloud plagued the sky and symbolized environmental degradation and air pollution.

Slim made 11 Sacred Cubit Environmental Harmonizers and set them up strategically from Colorado Springs in the South up to Denver, over to Boulder in the West, and up North to Fort Collins.

Through their commitment and a belief in the potential of harmonic resonance, an extraordinary thing happened; within one hour of activating the Harmonizers with the Environmental Clearing frequency, the brown cloud that loomed over Denver began to dissipate, paving the way for a brighter, cleaner future.

Headline 3 years after the Denver Clearing Project began

Clearing the air

Unfortunately, one of our most serious environmental issues today is still air pollution.
The American Lung Association’s 2023 annual “State of the Air” report (using data from 2019 – 2021) shows that 36% of Americans (119.6 million people) live in areas with unhealthy levels of ozone or particle pollution. While it is exciting to see this number decrease from last year’s report, there is still a long way to go.

Restoring the Balance of Life

When we think of restoring the environment, we often think of activities such as:

  • Creating green spaces
  • Planting trees
  • Rehabilitating coral reefs
  • Eradicating invasive species
  • Filtrating ground-water
  • Protecting vulnerable species

However, we rarely talk about energetic healing. Thanks to quantum coherence, we can harness energetic forces to clear our environment of harmful substances.

Sacred Cubit Environmental Harmonizer

Also, perhaps we can begin to respect the inherent intelligence of Mother Earth. Nature often heals itself when we humans take a step back. Hence, we should strive to match our vibration to that of the natural world.

Additionally, we can invite our friends, family, and colleagues to join us in our efforts to restore harmony. Working together, we can create greater engagement in life, resulting in a greater sense of fulfillment.

Looking Ahead

The Denver Clearing Project is undeniably a testament to the power of collective action. While we reflect on Slim and his ambitions today, let us renew our commitment to protecting and preserving the natural world for future generations. By working together, we can ensure that the legacy of the Denver Clearing Project continues to inspire and enrich our lives for years to come.

Today, March 18th, we invite you to activate your Harmonizers, creating a wave of positive energy that reverberates beyond our individual actions.

We won’t solve pollution issues in one day, but one day can make a difference in our journey towards a better tomorrow.

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