People always ask me about Slim and today on his birthday I wanted to share a few facts that I thought would help people to get a picture if what kind of man he was.
Slim the teacher
He was an extraordinary, yet humble man. Slim was an enlightened being who saw goodness in everyone he met and a teacher who captured his students’ hearts with inspirational stories and wisdom. He had amazing energy and insights and shared them freely. Slim didn’t make a fuss of what he knew, and he didn’t appreciate devotion, which some people showed. He would say, “I put my britches/jeans on one leg at a time like everyone else.”

Slim loved people and was always available to talk. In other words, you could call him any time and he would speak with you if he knew you or not. He had a way to explain difficult science so that laypeople could understand it. Slim also didn’t have a problem telling you when he didn’t have an answer and never made something up to look good. Slim would encourage people to work and experiment with his inventions and share with him their findings. Therefore, for him, everyone who bought a Light-Life Tool automatically became a Geobiology Research Associate.
Slim’s life was seeking knowledge and truth to achieve healing for the planet through the use of tools and healing methods. His heartfelt desire was to help heal our planet and everyone and everything living on our planet.
Slim the researcher
Above all, his main focus was science and research to find solutions for air pollution as well as our health and well-being. For example, he could spend hours in the shop, making products, as well as hours, reading and studying. He loved exchanging ideas and findings with other scientists and researchers. His mind was brilliant.
I remember when he received a report from South Africa where he held a workshop a few months earlier. A workshop participant had a friend with a liver and brain tumor and was sent home by the doctors after receiving many conventional treatments, to bring her affairs in order as they gave her only a few more months to live. This man gave her one of our 3 ½ Sacred Cubit Light-Life Tensor Rings and two 1 Sacred Cubit Light-Life Tensor Rings to place over her liver and her brain where the tumor was. He suggested that she uses the larger ring to go up and down her body several times. I wasn’t there and don’t know all the details, i.e., for how long and how exactly. But long story short, he reported that after only six weeks of doing that both her tumors were gone.
Now, Slim, of course, was happy and was wondering at the same time how it was possible. So, one night he was sitting with his back to his desk. He held a 3 ½ Sacred Cubit Ring in one hand and a one Sacred Cubit gold plated Light-Life Ring in the other hand. He slowly moved the smaller ring through the larger one, back and forth. The tensor field of the larger ring was visible to normal vision, and it seemed to be stronger in the smaller ring. This is what Slim did. He would experiment, always an open mind asking, ‘what will happen if I do that?’
Slim the friend
Slim would do anything for his friends and wanted to see only the good in anyone. I read somewhere ‘Slim loved the women’. I would say he loved people, and, honestly, if he would have had to choose between a casual chat with a woman and a discussion with his research colleagues he would have chosen the second.
Unfortunately, he did not take good care of his health but cared more about everyone else’s health. He would run to a store to get remedies for a sick friend and drive for hours to deliver it. He was also available to anyone who called and picked his brain.

Slim the wizard
He told me once that he had a recall coming from another universe. Sometime after his transition, I had a reading with a psychic who didn’t know anything about him. Early in the reading he asked me, “Who was this man? He was not from this world!” Even so, Slim was very down to earth and at the same time very connected to spirit and higher realms. He called himself an ‘Old Hill Billy’ and used that in my opinion to disguise his genius. Some people fell for it.
A few months ago, I connected with an old friend of his, a doctor who uses the Tools in his office. He has high respect for Slim and said, he was extraordinary, like Tesla, and way ahead of his time.
Slim and nature
Slim was very connected to nature from his early childhood on. He knew how to read the weather by simply looking at the sky. He learned how to use herbs from his mother and grandmother and later become a self-thought herbalist. Slim also studied with a Native American woman who taught him more about the native plants and their medicinal properties. This came to good use when he put a puffball mushroom in an Environmental Harmonizer to save a man from Anthrax poisoning. You can read the whole story in the e-book Slim Spurling’s Universe.
“My” Slim
He loved his coffee, and bacon and eggs for breakfast and loved a good steak. But he could also forget about a meal when he was caught up in reading or discussing research and findings of the Tools with one of his research buddies.
He could get really angry when talking about politics and what’s going on in the world. Slim understood our constitution and felt we are moving away from it.
When Slim was still in his physical body I didn’t talk of him as ‘my husband’, I always said ‘Slim’. I felt he’s so much more and not ‘mine’. I loved his energy and great sense of humor. He could laugh till tears came in his eyes. I miss his humor and our laughs. If you want to see him ‘live’ watch his Interview with Alan Steinfeld. This is my favorite one of all and you get the essence of him.

I met Slim when I attended a workshop with him. I never did forget about him. He was a special man. I miss him always!!