Personal Harmonizers can help you find balance in your job. Wearing a Personal Harmonizer may help decrease stress levels, provide more calmness around your personal bio-field and co-workers, and help create a sense of balance between work and home. Today, I would like to share how a few people in different professions profited from wearing a Personal Harmonizer while on the job.

Personal Harmonizers, 24K gold plated
Law Enforcement Officer
I met a law enforcement officer at a friend’s house. She was praising the Personal Harmonizer and telling me what a difference it made while on the job. She said she gets frequent calls to the same homes with violent activities. However, the people tend to calm down much faster when she is wearing the Personal Harmonizer. Also, she experiences very little aggression towards her which, of course, was a huge improvement and made her job less stressful. She said that she will turn around and go back home when she forgets to put her Personal Harmonizer on, even it means she will be late for work.
Slim has a friend who works part-time as a paramedic. The Personal Harmonizer, that Slim gifted him, made an enormous difference in his work. He said that getting called to severe accidents was always stressful for the team and, of course, to the people that were involved in the accident. He reported that this level of stress changed significantly since he started wearing the Personal Harmonizer. The team is calmer and more confident in being able to handle whatever arises. He also said that the sometimes the severely injured people in the accident seemed to act less confused and irritated while being able to calm down more quickly.
Public Speaker
We had a report from a public speaker who started wearing a Personal Harmonizer close to their throat during presentations. They noticed that the audience was more attentive and their talks were better received.
Light-Life Harmonizers Can Help You in Your Profession
Personal Harmonizers can help you find balance in your job. All our Harmonizers are designed to bring harmony and balance in people’s lives. They are created to help strengthen the immune system, as well as support our personal journey and growth. If you wonder which Harmonizer would be right for you, please contact us at [email protected] or give us a call at 303.833.9033. We’re here to assist you in making the best choice for yourself and/or your loved ones.

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