Today I’d like to share a powerful combination of our Environmental Harmonizer with a mushroom called the Puffball.
Properties of Puffball Mushrooms
Slim Spurling learned from an old Native American woman all about the antibiotic properties of the puffball mushroom, specifically that it is effective against infection, particularly the anaerobic bacteria associated with gangrene and blood poisoning.

Help Against Psychic Attacks
This knowledge was vital to Slim when an author called him to his house. The author claimed he suffered from psychic attacks and even voodoo curses. He’d heard of Slim and wanted to see if Slim could help. Slim figured it was just another case of geopathic stress, so he and his partner Bill Reid set out to clear the house of these stress lines/zones.
Slim and Bill could nit believe the amount of negative energy they found. In addition to the frequencies coming off overhead power lines, they found voodoo symbols on the backs of artwork in the living areas.
Slim and Bill were even more shocked when they discovered that the whole house had been seeded with anthrax.
Harmonizers as Radionic Devices
Slim coupled his knowledge of the antibiotic effects of puffball powder, with his knowledge of frequencies (Slim considers puffball powder to be an antidote to anthrax).
All Light-Life Energy Harmonizers are radionic devices. And, since everything has its own vibration, anything can be transmitted over a distance using quantum technology.
So, Slim placed a puffball inside one of his Enviromental Harmonizers. As a result, the frequency of the puffball neutralized the harmful effects of the anthrax. Within three hours the anthrax level went down to zero and everything was fine.
I share this story with you to bring to your attention the many different ways you can use your Harmonizer.
Some of you may remember that in 2001 there were letters with anthrax spores mailed to several news media offices and two Democratic U.S. Senators, leading to 22 people being infected, and five deaths. During this time, we were traveling a lot and Slim tucked a tiny bit of puffball in his Personal Harmonizer to protect us.
How can you use this knowledge?
Instead of being afraid of all the harmful elements that can be in our environment, use this knowledge and your Harmonizer.
You don’t even need a puffball. You can find a homeopathic or other remedy that is a known antidote for whatever ails or concerns you. Add your intention for a clear, clean, and healthy environment and trust its power. This can work with any Harmonizer you may have.
In short, we do have solutions to most problems, we just have to look outside the box.
And as always, contact us if you have any questions.