Working with Energies and Dowsing

Working with energies and dowsing negative energy lines. It was Slim Spurling’s genius to find an effective and inexpensive way to use dowsing to detect and block toxic energies caused by Geopathic Stress Zones and the Hartmann Grid. His techniques can be applied to eliminate health challenges like stress, chronic pain, chronic fatigue and others, as well as other issues such as unstable relationships, dire financial situations, failing business, and much more.

Slim Spurling Geopathic Rods | Light-Life ToolsIf you’re interested in learning more about dowsing, we suggest you begin with Slim Spurling’s Geobiology and Dowsing DVD, to provide you with the basics, and purchase several pairs of dowsing rods to get started right away. The next step would be to attend one of our dowsing workshops.

History of Slim’s Dowsing Practice

Slim had his first experience with dowsing as a young boy when his parents hired a dowser to find water for a well they were going to build in Morrison, Colorado.

In the 80s, he started his dowsing practice to locate the Hartmann Grid and Geopathic Stress lines and help people counteract their effects. The results included more harmony in homes, better sleep, improved relationships, increased well-being and businesses thriving, less fluctuation with employees, significantly less difficulties on constructions sites, and much more.

In 1991, Slim created the Sacred Cubit Light-Life Tensor Rings based on sacred geometry and quantum physics, which was followed by many more Light-Life Tools such as: the Acu-Vac Coil, Feedback Loop, and Energy Harmonizers. There are now many more Light-Life® Tools you can use to remedy issues caused by Geopathic Stress and the Hartmann Grid while bringing harmony and well-being to yourself and others, the earth, and to animals and plants.

Geopathic Stress Reduction

Slim’s method of Geopathic Stress Reduction is now successfully applied worldwide by thousands of his students. We have field reports gathered by practitioners for more than 22 years from a body of evidence not only pertaining to the reality of the existence of Geopathic Stress, but also that supports the fact that it can be eliminated. This was extremely valuable research in Slims eyes, as he firmly believed that “Geopathic Stress is at the root of every known ailment, whether it’s physical, emotional, mental, or spiritual.”

I’m sure you have heard of people that moved to a new home and soon after, health issues appeared, relationship ended in a divorce, or children at school started failing classes. Businesses that change owners frequently because they don’t thrive at a particular location are also a perfect example of Geopathic Stress. Did I get your attention? Are you ready to learn more? Then please sign up for our upcoming workshop Slim Spurling’s Geopathic Stress Reduction Dowsing Workshop.

In this workshop you will gain the following insights:

Theoretical information will be presented about Geopathic Stress Zones (i.e. Hartmann Grid, personal zones, and interference lines). You will learn how earth energies can contribute to imbalances in all areas of your life. Participants will see a demonstration on how to locate Geopathic Stress and how to neutralize them. Applying this work may help you, your family and friends, as well as your community to increase health and well-being on all levels. You will be provided with materials to go home and practice what you’ve learned right away.

In addition to dowsing for Geopathic Stress, Slim dedicated his work to support the recovery and protection of physical and spiritual well-being. His 150+ tools continue to be made for people to create a harmonious home, personal field, and environment.

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