FAQ about the Light-Life Tools. Ask Katharina.

After having our first Virtual Workshop recently, I realized that it’s time to answer some FAQ about the Light-Life Tools.

What is the main difference between silver-plated plated and gold-plated jewelry?

The silver-plated jewelry pieces have an additional layer that seems to increase the thermocouple effect Slim Spurling talks about. What we found is that some people who always wear silver are now attracted to the gold-plated and vice versa. We always recommend trusting your intuition and going with what feels right to you. Silver tarnishes, gold doesn’t. Generally speaking, silver works better on the unseen and gold better on the visible: e.g., for air pollution use a gold-plated Harmonizer; for EMF, and mental and emotional issues use a silver-plated.

Is there a tool that will help calm my nerves?

Please understand I am not a medical professional or a psychologist. I will share what customers and I found helpful when the nerves need calming. First and foremost, I would look at what makes me nervous. Sometimes, giving a situation a different meaning can make us automatically feel calmer.

All our Personal Harmonizers seem to have a calming effect, however, we found our Lost Cubit or Unity Personal Harmonizers work the best. Also, a Personal Harmonizer in combination with our Sacred or Lost Cubit Lotus Pendants has been appreciated. When I am totally overwhelmed, I take the Bach flower remedy ‘Elm’, which works like a charm for me. You can find it in any health food store or online.

What is the main difference between Sacred, Lost, and Empowerment Environmental Harmonizers, so I can understand which one is right for me?

Thank you so much for your question. Please click here to read my blog about the differences between the Environmental Harmonizers.

What Tools do you recommend for better sleep?

Some people found it helpful to have one of our Light-Life Tensor Rings under their pillow. It may support remembering your dreams or having lucid dreams. Others like one of our 3 1/2 Light-Life Tensor Rings under their bed or at the headboard. We do have reports of people who mentioned the energy of the rings kept them awake, however, they still felt energized in the morning and not as tired as without the rings. There is no ‘one size fits all’ solution.

I’ve never used Light-Life Tools before. What tool do you recommend I start with and how should I use it? 

I would highly recommend you get the book, In the Mind of a Master, as this is a great reference guide and also gives background on how the Light-Life Tools came about. In my opinion, you can never have enough Light-Life Tensor Rings. Their applications are only limited by your imagination. Our Practitioner Set would also be a good way to get started. If you’re around many people or challenging situations, one of our Personal Harmonizers could give you great support. I would really need to know more about your situation to give you a more detailed recommendation. Please check out our YouTube channel to learn more about the applications.

Light-Life Practitioner Set

How do I choose between an Acu-Vac Coil and Feedback Loop?

That really depends on what you want to do with it and it is also a personal preference. Slim Spurling always had an Acu-Vac Coil in his jacket and I also prefer it over the Feedback Loop. I do use the two in combination during a session, tucking the Feedback Loop onto the Acu-Vac Coil to boost their power.

With the Acu-Vac Coil, you determine the direction, e.g., if you want to pull out negative energy of a situation or work on an issue you hold it first with the bead away. Once the session is complete you turn it over and give light to the area you worked on. The Feedback Loop draws out and gives right back so you don’t have to remember to give back. The best choice would be to get our Practitioner Set so you have both and can use them together or individually.

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