With phase 3 of The Clearing Project approaching I thought it is time to give some examples of the multiple benefits of our Energy Harmonizers. All our Energy Harmonizers are created with the intention to bring more harmony and balance into your life.
- Home and workplace
- Bringing more balance to the home
- Protecting from EMF
- Community and Environment
- Reducing air pollution
- Encouraging more harmony in the neighborhood
- Weather improvements
- Diverting tornadoes and hurricanes
- Reducing intensity of thunderstorms and hail
- Farming and Gardening
- Providing pest control
- Increasing crop yield
Home and Workplace
We have amazing reports from people whose family lives are impacted by placing an Environmental Energy Harmonizer in their homes. For example, teenagers reacted positively, and other overall relationship issues are reported to improve.
Place a silver-plated Environmental Harmonizer Sacred Cubit in your home office or workplace and it can reduce the harmful effects of EMF and neutralize the Hartmann Grid. In addition, it can also help raise the vibrations and assist in positive interactions between colleagues.

The importance of living/being in a harmonious environment is backed up by epigenetics studies. They teach us that our behaviors and environment can cause changes in how our body reads a DNA sequence. Doesn’t it make sense to make sure we live in an environment that nourishes us, that is save for us?
Community and Environment
Our Agricultural Harmonizers have brought multiple benefits to large communities; therefore, we renamed them to Community Harmonizers.
Multiple benefits with an Empowerment Community Harmonizer
Let me share an excerpt from a testimonial we received some time ago, after an Empowerment Community Energy Harmonizer was placed in this community:
“September, 2012 Senate appointments began shifting.
January-February, 2013 House of Representatives and the Senate voted to impeach Governor Benigno Fital. Trial date was set. (Impeachment requests had been happening for quite some time, never passing in either the House or Senate, so this was a major break-through)
Feb 20, 2013, Governor Benigno Firial resigned from office. (1st time in the history of the US that impeachment proceedings for a governor were going to be completed, and the first time for a resignation of a governor of a territory. It was easier than expected, no trial necessary.)
Feb 22, 2013, There was finally an arrest for a murder committed one year prior. He was in prison for other crimes and apparently would have been in prison at the time of the murder if a judge hadn’t let him off extremely leniently on even more crimes he committed earlier. He was related to powerful political figures. The Commissioner of Public Safety was accused of purposely interfering with the investigation. (Other old crime cases are beginning to be resolved as interference is decreasing.)…”
Slim created the Environmental Energy Harmonizers to reduce air pollution in Denver, Colorado. As a result, they are being used now worldwide to bring clear air on all levels. Likewise, our larger Energy Harmonizer are used for that same purpose.

We found that the 24K gold-plated Energy Harmonizers work best on everything you can see, for example, air pollution, and plant growth, and the silver-plated ones on the other hand seem to work best on unseen, but felt issues, like mental and emotional issues as well as EMF (electromagnetic fields).
Weather Improvement
The Environmental Energy Harmonizer is about the size of a golf ball and has been successfully activated to divert tornadoes. As a result, we have many reports from customers who told us they activated their Harmonizer during a tornado warning, and the satellite picture the same night on the news showed how the tornado went around their city and the weatherman didn’t know how it happened.

Therefore, when we hear about hurricane warnings, we print a map of the area and put it on the top of an Environmental Clearing CD. The Energy Harmonizer is then placed on top with our intention to diverting the hurricanes. It has brought about multiple benefits, certainly collapsed hurricanes, and improved marine life.
Also, a friend, who activated a Storm Chaser in Florida, sent us a report that it eliminated the Red Tide.
Farming and Gardening

Customers reported that having a Lost Cubit Environmental Energy Harmonizer in their home visibly increased their plant growth in no time.
Report from a farmer in Colorado
A farmer noted that the numbers of corn borer millers attracted to outside lighting on the house in the evening declined rapidly from approximately 100-150 on the window screens to maybe 3-6. This happened within 48 hours after activating an Environmental Harmonizer 24K gold plated. Another positive factor was that more beneficial insects, like lady bugs, were attracted to the area.
Report from a farmer in Laredo, TX
“Summarizing in a few words, the autumn crop which we expected to have only 30 kg per hectare, resulted in an incredible crop of 100 kg per hectare and if the weather continues fine, we might have another crop of 10 kg or more by hectare.
The neighboring lots of Nueces Buffel Grass (50 hectares) within a radius of 1 km from the point in which we placed the Harmonizer, also produced an estimate of 100% more crop than were raised in previous years.
I must emphasize that none of my neighbors were able to obtain more than two crops because their grass dried up due to the lack of humidity….”
As I said in the beginning these are just a few examples of the multiple benefits of our Energy Harmonizers. The testimonials we receive are awesome and fill us with lots of gratitude. We would love to receive yours.
Please sign up for The Clearing Project, because it takes all of us to get clear air on all levels and everywhere.
Thank you.