Today we’d like to share a few extracts from the book In the Mind of a Master , where Slim Spurling shares how he invented the Energy Harmonizer.
The Creation of the first Harmonizers
“…The Harmonizer is a combination of rings and coils. I’d like to describe how we came to do this. We first started by spinning a ring in a vertical position, and we found that created a somewhat unpleasant energy field. And it didn’t feel good to many of the sensitives. So we thought, well, what happens if we put two rings together? Now we have an energy beam coming out both sides of the 24K gold ring and an energy beam coming out both sides of the copper ring. This creates an effect like a cylinder or a flashlight beam. When we intersected a third ring, all of a sudden the clairvoyants were telling us
that we had a spherical field – more like a donut-shaped field. And it didn’t appear to have much, if any, motion to it. It was suggested that we put a coil in the center.
Well now we have motion in the energy field, in this toroidal or donut-shaped energy field, so that positive energy is coming out through the top of the field, coming back around, sweeping through, pulling all the negative energy from the environment into the base of the Harmonizer through the coil, and transmuting it again to a positive energy out the top in this donut-shaped, toroidal field. What we’re able to do with the coil placed in the center is to create a motion of flow. This is now three-dimensional instead of two-dimensional in the form of a cross. So that was a major discovery...”.

How the Harmonizers work
“…The Harmonizer emits a cosmic light field or L-field and has a positive output. To the clairvoyant, it appears to emit a coherent holographic light field. It is an “active” tool, in that subtle energies are continually in motion in the large light energy field around it. An individual’s own energies are set into motion too, continuing as long as one is in its presence! The range of the Harmonizer can be closed down by placing it in a ring. The energy is then contained in the new cylindrical column and the ring will send it on an upward path...”.

Different types of Harmonizers
“…The various Harmonizers are for personal, environmental, and agricultural applications. There’s quite a demand for these, and that’s been developed because of their unique properties in being able to clean up atmospheric air pollution. And that can extend right on down to the Personal Harmonizer, which is a very small unit, not much bigger than the ball of my thumb. This is used to keep your personal atmosphere strong and healthy, and that’s your bio-field, your aura.
“…The first [Environmental] Harmonizers were very small devices and were designed to reduce electromagnetic interference in the home, to help clean the air in the house, and to improve the outside environment right through the walls. Your local environment – your neighborhood or even a small town – would reap the benefits of one individual having this tool in their home. We went then to the larger ½ Sacred Cubit size of Agricultural [now called Community] Harmonizer, as this was designed to handle large scale ranching and farming operations...“.

Personal Energy Harmonizers
“…Our own personal bio-field is being strengthened and enhanced by the
Personal Harmonizer’s light force energies. As the Harmonizer’s energy
travels through us following the meridian channels, it will work its way gently
through the body from head to toe – down and up – down and up. A polarity
flow of body rhythms.
One of the more interesting groups that is consciously and deliberately
employing the Personal Harmonizers are law enforcement groups and
paramedics because they often run into very difficult situations. And I’ve
had a number of field reports come back from police officers in California.
None of them have sustained any personal physical injury since they’ve been
wearing these. The reason for this is whomever they’re confronting seems to
come into agreement with them very quickly…”.

Read more about benefits of Light-Life Energy Harmonizers in this blog.
Learn about Denver Clearing Project, when Slim Spurling and his research associates cleared the “brown crowd” above Denver in the March of 1994.
Thank you for sharing this wonderful information!