My favorite thing about Slim was his direct and simple way of explaining very complicated subjects. I hope I’ll be able to do the same. For the more that is understood about our tools, the more people we can affect in a positive way!
I’m sure by now you’ve heard of “good vibes” and not given it much thought. Vibrations have frequencies, wavelengths and amplitudes. Frequency tells us how fast the vibration is moving. Just like we can measure how fast your car is moving down the highway in mph (miles per hour), we can measure how speedy the vibration is by using Hertz (hz). A ‘bad’ vibe such as anger has a lower frequency of 32 hz, while a ‘good’ vibe like love has a much higher frequency of 528 hz. This has been researched and documented by Dr. Leonard G. Horowitz.
Everyone’s body has a vibrating energy field that is operating at it’s own frequency (hz). Pao Chang claims the human body vibrates at anywhere from 62-78 hz. Can you imagine what pure love would look like personified? Wow! Pao also speaks about how cancer and disease can bring our frequencies down to the 40-50 hz range and death creeps in at about 25hz. Brings much more weight to the phrase “stay positive” doesn’t it?
The Light-Life® Tools we’ve created are said to operate at a much higher frequency or if you’re following thus far, a much more positive vibe. 😉 To break it down, 1 Megahertz (MHz) is equivalent to 1 million(mega) Hertz (z) or, 1 MHz = 1,000,000 hz. That’s some fast energy! Based upon our field work and findings, our 1 Sacred Cubit Light-Life® Rings operate at a frequency of 144 MHz, which is a harmonic of light speed. It relates directly to the solid matter of the earth and is said to aid in healing discomfort in the physical realm. Our 1 Lost Cubit Light-Life® Ring operates at a frequency of 177 MHz which may deal with the mental and emotional issues of a person. We often find a significant release in those areas when using the Lost Cubit.

So what does all this talk about energy and its speed mean for you? Well, hopefully this gives a good illustration of how the tools interact differently with each person. Are you operating at 62 hz or a higher, positive vibe of 78 hz? Do you suffer from any disease? Emotional trauma? These things will slow down your frequency, aka vibe, and therefore the tools may take a bit longer to bring you back up. Are you a genius with your brain operating at approximately 80hz? Awesome! You would likely see a much faster interaction with the tools in any area of your own personal healing.
Right now we are dealing with a very volatile political climate that seems to be bringing many emotional discomfort or pain. While at first it might seem useful to direct your energies towards your outrage or distrust, you are essentially doing yourself a disservice as you are in turn lower your frequency, or in simpler terms, your vibe. A small suggestion I have for our community is to change the channel on social media. It’s tempting to join the political debates, but why don’t you direct your energy (your frequency) to something that brings you joy? I’ve seen a lot of like-minded people adapt this mode of operation in the last few weeks and there has been a resurgence of animal videos, quotes of inspiration and many posts about small acts of kindness.

In addition to redirecting your energy towards the positive and raising your vibration, you can use our tools in tandem for an extra boost. When my employees need some extra support to stay focused they will put a Lost or Empowerment Cubit Light-Life® Ring around their neck. This seems to also help them balance, re-center, focus and come back to a state of emotional peace. If you have a Lost or Empowerment Cubit Light-Life® Ring wear it around your neck next time you feel you need some support to stay focused and let me know how it works for you. Some of my friend used to wear a Lost Cubit heavy ring around their neck as jewelry. They loved it and sure got some attention.

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Terrific advice, Appreciate it.
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