Our Light-Life Tools seem to have unlimited applications. Therefore, we would like to share some examples how you can use the them with your children. We also give a few excerpts from the book In the Mind of a Master on how the special needs teachers used the Tools in the classroom.
When your child needs to focus
Light-Life Tensor Rings can help your child improve her/his focus when worn on their head or placed under the chair. The Rings can help clear mental clutter, reduce stress, and promote a sense of clarity. This balanced energy allows the mind to stay more present and focused. As a result, it can make it easier to concentrate on tasks without being easily distracted.

When you need to ease their physical discomfort
Belly ache or sore throat – try our Acu-Vac Coil or Feedback Loop when physical discomfort is bothering your kiddo. Younger kids also seem to be more receptive and can activate their own self-healing power. Just explain to them that these Tools work on their well-being and help pull the ‘boo-boo’ away.

Help with restorative sleep
If your child struggles with sleep, place larger Tensor Rings under their bed. Tensor Rings create a “light tunnel” that can promote restful sleep. This may help your child fall asleep faster and improve their sleep quality.
Feedback from the Special Education School teacher (from Chapter 7 of In the Mind of a Master)
“The second week the tools were at school, Tom, am autistic fifth grade boy, was getting frustrated because he couldn’t figure how to do the subtraction lessons the other students were getting as they came to the board. He couldn’t figure out how to borrow. I worked with him for a few moments and saw that he was about to go into his routine where he screams, makes other noises, and throws himself on the floor”.
Explaining the Acu-Vac Coil to a student in need
“I told him to stop, and I held the coil in front of him and told him it was going to suck the confusion right out of him. He stopped because he was curious and watched as I held the coil to his forehead. After a minute or two, I asked him if there was any other place in his head that felt stuffed up and confused. He took the coil and moved it around his head to a couple of other places. He told me it was sucking out all the bad stuff. Then he said he was ready to try again. I explained the process to him again and he got it. He was so excited, and when he was called, was able to go to the board and write the correct answer”.
Assisting schoolmates
“After that, he couldn’t stay away from the tools. He’d come to my desk, run the ring over his body a time or two, or ask me to, and then he’d say, “I think I need to use the coil for a minute.” Soon he was using the ring on the other kids, asking if they needed to feel better. By this time, everyone had gotten interested in the tools. They discovered that the coil could take the pain out of anything from a hangnail to a bruised leg and hip. I was having trouble using it to quiet down loud children because it was always in use somewhere else.”
Comments from Special Education Elementary School students (from Chapter 7 of In the Mind of a Master)
- “Sometimes we wear the rings on our necks, heads, arms, and sometimes, feet. They make us feel smart.”
- “The first time I put it on, it made me feel happy and drained out all my un-listening energy. It makes you feel good.”
- “When I first wore them, I felt like listening.”
- “The first time I put them on, it felt like the mean things came out and the nice things came in.”
If you’re interested in discovering additional practical tips for using Light-Life Tools, please explore these blogs: