March always immediately brings up memories of Slim and the Denver Clearing Project of March 1994, so when my new Marketing Director asked me to think of an intention for this month, cleansing and renewal was top of mind.

Our Light-Life® Tools are said to reconnect us with the beneficial energies of the planet. Any physician or scientist will agree on the amazing abilities of the body to self-heal. Slim Spurling’s research and tools were built to harness the earth’s life force energy and speed up the healing process of body, mind and soul. As always, we can never guarantee a tool’s results as it’s working with your individual frequencies, but we’re always here to offer support and guidance if you aren’t getting the outcome you expected.

If you are unfamiliar with our products and are interested in cleansing, I would like to recommend the Light-Life® Tools Practitioner Set as a good place to start. In this kit you will find a 1 Sacred Cubit Light-Life® Ring, a Sacred Cubit Light-Life® Acu-Vac Coil, and a Sacred Cubit Light-Life® Feedback Loop. You can watch many of our videos, including this one, on how our tools can work together for the most beneficial results. Or if you’d like a hands-on experience, even better! We are hosting a series of workshops next week to review ways on how to negate the impact of Geopathic Stress in the environment and within the individual. Every small seed of change starts with you! If you’d like to register we still have some space available.

This wonderful kit is a helpful set of instruments that will potentize your water. Potentizing the water may move it from an acidic pH to a neutral or slightly alkaline state. Why would you want to potentize or “cleanse” your water? According to our research and our participants testimonials this is said to bring the person who consumes the water, more energy, less discomfort and less observance of symptoms related to challenging health conditions. Most people will pour their water into a water pitcher that is lined with charcoal filter in order to purify the water. How easily this process is accepted and trusted!

What were your thoughts on the first water filters? Were you an early adapter? Do you still use un-filtered tap water? Are you interested in filtering or potenizing your water? If you aren’t ready to fully invest in a kit you might want to try starting with the 1 Sacred Cubit Light-Life® Ring. Placing this around your water glass is said to have the same effect, although at a slower rate than using the tools in combination.
This month let’s cleanse our water, cleanse our body and cleanse our negative thoughts, for by removing toxins and bad energy we make room to let the light shine. The name Light-Life comes from the fact that clairvoyants can see the light coming off our Tools and the liveliness they create.
Warm regards,
Katharina Spurling-Kaffl
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