We know, here it is, yet another post about a new year and a new you! Just follow these 5 easy goal-setting steps! Lose the weight, save the money, be less stressed! Blah, blah, blah…
We don’t know about you, but we are ready to take a different approach in 2024. However, we also have some tips for those of you who set goals for 2024 so you can reach them.
This year, we want to take the time to redefine ourselves. Not in the, set a goal and reach it in a specific amount of time, sort of way. But we want to shift our focus from the physical and material worlds to our emotional, spiritual, and relationship worlds. As you may know, our Light-Life Tools are here to support our growth. They can guide us to improve our lives on so many different levels. When we explore the power of personal growth, with an emphasis on the roles we play in life, and envisioning a healthier, happier self, take a look and how the Light-Life Tools have been supporting you the past year.
Who do you want to become this year?
Life is a tapestry of roles and relationships, and each of us plays a multitude of them – parent, teacher, employee, employer, friend, partner, spouse, and so on. This new year, take a moment to reflect on who you want to be in your different roles.
Imagine your ideal self in these positions. Do you want to be a more patient parent, an inspiring teacher, or a supportive friend/spouse/partner?
Can you imagine what it looks and feels like?
For example, we at Light-Life Technology want to become influencers for a cleaner, more harmonious, and more peaceful world. For us, that means focusing our energy on how we market ourselves to reach more people, educating people who are looking for health friendly solutions for themselves and the planet, about our Tools, and continuing to teach our customers all the ways to use our Tools.

Health and Well-being
Personal growth isn’t just about our relationships and roles. The opportunity to redefine yourself includes your physical and mental health as essential components of who you want to become. Envision a healthier you: one who has the energy you desire, gets the sleep you crave, and keeps calm in stressful situations.
Now, getting to this healthier you will require some focus on your physical self. But instead of starting a new dreaded diet, why not start a little smaller. Remind yourself to eat a little slower. Savor the flavors of each bite, and remind yourself that mealtime is not a race to an empty plate. Mealtime could be an opportunity to have a meaningful conversation, and if you’re having a meaningful conversation, it’s harder to stress about what you think you need to get done before the day is over.

Visualize the Journey
Visualization is a powerful tool for personal growth. Create a vision board or mentally imagine your future self-thriving in these roles and enjoying optimal health. Share your vision board or mental imagery with someone close to you for added accountability and support. Of course, we also encourage men to create their vision boards.

Take Action
The journey toward becoming who you want to be starts with small, consistent actions. Remember, setbacks are a natural part of growth, so be resilient and stay committed to your journey.
It’s like going on a road trip. You missed a turn, so what?! Make the correction and keep going until you reach your destination.
Also, surround yourself with positive influences and seek guidance when needed.
It’s a Path
In the grand tapestry of life, the pursuit of becoming a better person is a path well worth taking. It’s a journey that transcends the materialistic cravings of “what to get” and instead focuses on “who to become.” As we welcome the new year, let’s embrace the opportunity to redefine ourselves and grow into the best versions of ourselves. This year, the greatest gift you can give yourself and the world is the gift of your own personal growth.

If you are setting goals, make sure to set yourself up for winning. How you do that?
- Get clear on your ‘Why’. Once your why is big enough you will do whatever it takes to reach your goal.
- Make sure it is what YOU want and not someone else. Focus on you!
- Take small steps on the way – and celebrate each accomplishment may it be very small, celebrating the little things makes the journey more fun and chances are you want to stay with it.
- Have an accountability partner that supports you when things get tough because, most likely they will.
- Have your end result always in front of you. Put sticky notes in places that you go to frequently as a friendly reminder.
If you are new to our Light-Life Tools please contact us either by email [email protected] or by phone +1-303.833.9033. We’d be happy to assist you in finding the right Tools for your path.