Understanding how Light-Life Tools work to promote a healthy environment
What are the basics behind Light-Life Energy Tools?
Foundation in Ancient Measurement:
- Based on the Egyptian or Sacred Cubit, derived from measurements in the King’s Chamber of the Great Pyramid of Giza.
- Cubit dimension corresponds to 1.69443 geodetic feet.
Scientific Correlations:
- Linked to the radius of the hydrogen atom and the wavelength of visible light.
- Connected to gravitational force, earth’s mass, and the earth’s magnetic field.
Lambda Principle:
- Measures of length result in lambda, referring to the length of an antenna.
- Lambda determines the appropriate frequency to receive.
Light-Life Tensor Rings:
- Double-twisted ring antennas emitting a cylindrical light field.
- Field is clockwise on both sides and carries positive energy.
- Outer electron shells of atoms oscillate, emitting photons (light particles).

According to the current state of research, the bio-photon content of food or the body is decisive for health.
Sacred Cubit
The Sacred Cubit length was the first measurement used in the construction of the Light-Life Tools. It is taken from the Great Pyramid in Egypt and is the measurement of the perimeter of the “boss”, the little projection of stone 72.1 inches above the floor of the King’s Chamber. This unit of measurement is used throughout the pyramid and is a standard unit of measure, just as a foot or a yard is. It is equivalent to 20.6 inches and has a natural resonant frequency of 144 MHz, which is a harmonic of light speed.
Lost Cubit
In 2000, researcher and inventor, Hans Becker discovered the Lost Cubit length, which was added to the measurements of the Light-Life Tools that same year. This unit of measurement is slightly larger than the Sacred Cubit and has a natural resonant frequency of 177 MHz, which is faster than the speed of light. It is safe to say this higher vibration would render the Tools more powerful on some level.
Empowerment Cubit
In 2011, after extensive research and evaluation, another cubit length was added to the line-up of Light-Life Tools: Empowerment Cubit. It is the final link in the trinity of cubit measurements: Sacred, Lost, and Empowerment. The Empowerment Cubit is 10% larger than the Lost Cubit. It appears to help support mental clarity and activity on more of a spiritual level.
Light-Life Tensor Rings
In 1991, Slim Spurling, researcher, artist, and inventor, had developed a tool that is now known as the Light-Life Tensor Ring.
Slim’s journey began during the mid-1980s, when he started studying subtle energy phenomena and related technologies. This included the work of Wilhelm Reich (well-known for his research on orgone energy) and Nikola Tesla (inventor of the Tesla Coil). Slim also studied the work done in the 1950s by John Archibald Wheeler, who had discovered that when the ends of a piece of wire are joined in a loop, an energy field is formed. Wheeler referred to this phenomenon as a tensor. At the time of Wheeler’s writing in 1957, there was no known application for the tensor except as a mathematical theory.
Slim Spurling, Bill Reid and others discovered multiple applications for the tensor energy field. Slim’s first Light-Life Tensor Ring became the prototype for Light-Life’s tensor technology. Tensor technology creates energy fields and, in turn, elevates surrounding energy fields to a higher vibration. The frequency and energy fields generated by the Tensor Rings resonate at the creation level of energy. The Tensor Rings bring beneficial life-force energy to everything within their fields. The Light-Life Tensor Rings are superconductors at room temperature and produce positive subtle energy effects. This has been verified by laboratories and a number of different scientists.
When you use Light-Life Tensor Rings to increase the vibrational frequency of energy in and around your body, you promote health, well-being, and balance. You also can use this technology to help reduce discomfort and stress, help speed up the recovery process, reduce the effects of harmful Electromagnetic Fields (EMFs), combat fatigue, relieve allergy symptoms, enhance the flavor, and charge water for drinking and watering plants.
In fact, Light-Life Tensor Rings are known to exhibit a profound effect on water. The light field emitted imparts “livingness” to water, which may enhance your life force when consumed. This water can also be used to nourish gardens and animals. Plants tend to flourish, with fewer pests.
We recommend using your intuition for the best way to use Light-Life Tensor Rings. Here are some common uses:
- Sit on a Ring during your workday to help reduce fatigue and remain focused
- Sit on a Ring in the car to help reduce fatigue on long road trips
- Place a Ring in the trunk of your car where you put your groceries to energize them and help keep them fresh
- Place a Ring under or around your water glass to charge and potentize your water
- Place a Ring over your fill pipe or outgoing water line to potentize your water
- Wear a Ring around your wrist to help combat discomfort from overuse
- Place a Ring over your heart or any area where you’re experiencing injury or discomfort
- Place a Ring around the neck of your pet when it experiences discomfort
- Place a Ring around your potted plants to help them recover and grow
- Place a Ring under your massage table or near the chair you use during sessions in order to help speed up the recovery process
- Use a Ring in combination with an Acu-Vac Coil and a Feedback Loop to create super potentized water
Additional information as it pertains to Light-Life Tensor Rings, specifically:
The Sacred Cubit Tensor Ring is known to have an impact on 3-dimensional or physical conditions. Water placed inside a Sacred Cubit Light-Life Tensor Ring appears to help cleanse your body of toxins.
The Lost Cubit Tensor Ring appears to operate on a metaphysical level, supporting mental and emotional issues and releasing humans from long-standing mental or emotional challenges.
The Empowerment Cubit Light-Life Tensor Ring seems to work more on the spiritual level and also supports mental clarity.
The Seed of Life is a configuration of seven small Sacred Cubit Tensor Rings inside a larger Lost Cubit Tensor Ring. It seems to raise the vibration on a cellular level and support faster recovery. Place it anywhere on your body where you experience discomfort. It may also allow you to clearly see all that is positive in your life. Use it to uplift your consciousness into higher mental states. The energy from the Seed of Life is a gentle inward reminder to see one’s personal truths, instead of letting negative judgments and learned behaviors hold you down.
Acu-Vac Coil
The Acu-Vac Coil was developed from the principles of the Light-Life Tensor Ring. It is also a superconductor, differing in the fact that the one-way energy flow is selectively directed along the axis of the Coil. The detrimental energy causing discomfort in the body, or in a situation, is drawn through the Coil and converted to beneficial energy when it leaves the Coil. The drawing in, or suction end, is furthest from the bead.
In a sense, the coil acts as a vacuum cleaner for discomfort and adverse energy. This has been verified with scientific research. The further away the coil is from your body, the stronger the effect seems to be. After pulling out all of the unfavorable energy, turn the Coil around and point with the bead to the area you have been working on to fill the void with light energy. You can also use the Acu-Vac Coil for long-distance session by pointing it at a picture of the person that needs assistance.
We recommend using your intuition for the best way to use an Acu-Vac Coil. Here are some common uses:
- Tuck the Coil under your armpit, with the bead pointing down, to pull out discomfort from your shoulder
- To balance your chakras, place the Coil perpendicular to each one
- Use the Coil on broken bones by going over the area of the break with the bead end of the coil pointing away from the body
- Scan your food with the Coil to pull out or improve anything that might not be good for you
- Point the Coil with the bead toward your thymus gland to strengthen your immune system
- Use the Coil on acupressure points: to charge, point the bead toward the point and to discharge, point the bead away –be aware that the Acu-Vac Coil may work faster than acupuncture needles!
- Use the Coil on injured or sick animals and livestock to speed up the recovery process
- Use the Coil in combination with a Feedback Loop by hooking them both onto a Light-Life Ring to create super potentized water
Light-Life Tools offer Acu-Vac Coils in four different sizes: Sacred Cubit, Lost Cubit, Empowerment Cubit, and Large Lost Cubit. The larger the coil, the larger its resulting energy field. The heavier gauge the wire, the stronger the energy field. However, the smaller Tools are just as effective as the larger ones – they may just take longer to produce the same results.
Additional information, as it pertains to Acu-Vac Coils, specifically:
The Sacred Cubit Acu-Vac Coil appears to draw out discomfort, ease agitation, potentize water when used with the Light-Life Tensor Ring and the Feedback Loop (described below), clear chakras, and remove harmful energy.
The Lost Cubit Acu-Vac Coil has benefits similar to those of the Sacred Cubit including: drawing out discomfort, easing agitation, and removing adverse energy; plus it may aid in emotional healing and tends to work faster than the Sacred Cubit.
The Large Lost Cubit Acu-Vac Coil has benefits similar to those of the Lost Cubit but, because of its larger size, results may be faster and greater. Originally, it was made for veterinary practitioners and ranchers for use on large animals. However, it soon became a favorite for practitioners in the healing arts as the results (especially for chronic discomfort and inflammatory conditions) were much faster.
Feedback Loops
The main difference between the Acu-Vac Coil and the Feedback Loop is: the Feedback Loop draws out detrimental energy and then immediately feeds it back into the body as beneficial energy. This exchange of energy is completed without having to turn the Tool around. The Feedback Loop operates more like a high-pressure car wash where as the Acu-Vac Coil is more like a garden hose.
We recommend using your intuition for the best way to use the Feedback Loop. Here are some common uses:
- Position the Feedback Loop with the opening toward you to pull out discomfort from an area
- Place a Feedback Loop in a vertical position next to your bed to break up disharmonious energy, restore balance, and enjoy a good night’s sleep
- Encourage the healing of broken bones by moving the Feedback Loop up and down over the break
- To remove physical or emotional discomfort faster, hook the Feedback Loop onto an Acu-Vac Coil to increase the energy power
- Use the Feedback Loop in combination with an Acu-Vac Coil by hooking them both onto a Light-Life Tensor Ring to create super potentized water.
We offer Feedback Loops in four sizes: Sacred Cubit, Lost Cubit, Large Lost Cubit, and Empowerment Cubit. The larger the tool, the larger its resulting energy field. The heavier gauge of wire, the stronger the energy field. However, the smaller tools are just as effective as the larger ones; they may just take longer to produce similar effects.
Additional information, as it pertains to Feedback Loops, specifically:
The Sacred Cubit Feedback Loop appears to extract discomfort, enhance sleep, stop disharmonious energy, and relieve aches.
The Lost Cubit Feedback Loop appears to work faster and focuses more on emotional and mental issues.
The Large Lost Cubit Feedback Loop has benefits similar to those of the Lost Cubit but because of its larger size, results may be faster and stronger. Originally, it was made for veterinary practitioners and ranchers for use on large animals. However, it soon became a favorite for health practitioners as the results (especially for chronic discomfort and inflammatory conditions) were much faster.
Energy Harmonizers
The Energy Harmonizer is an active Light-Life Tool designed to keep energy continuously moving producing a large toroidal field around it. Slim Spurling combined Tensor Rings and an Acu-Vac Coil and shaped them into a 3-dimensional globe that creates a continuous flow of energy. Clairvoyants say they emit a coherent holographic light field. All of our Energy Harmonizers appear to have the unique property of generating a harmonious field around them, cleaning up air pollution, encouraging plant growth, and raising consciousness.
We recommend using your intuition for the best way to use Light-Life Energy Harmonizers. Here are some common uses:
- Wear a Personal Energy Harmonizer as jewelry or put it in your pocket to protect your energy field and have an unmistakable effect on the people in your vicinity
- Place an Energy Harmonizer within your home or business to encourage clarity, create harmony, and to help reduce the effects of Electromagnetic Fields (EMFs)
- Play the included Environmental Clearing CD to activate your Energy Harmonizer to substantially increase its power and radius of energy field
- Activate your Environmental Energy Harmonizer to perhaps reduce the effects of chemtrails
- Activate your Environmental or Community (Agricultural) Energy Harmonizer to help divert tornadoes or hurricanes
- Use your Environmental or Community (Agricultural) Energy Harmonizer to encourage plant growth without fertilizers and ward off pests without the use of pesticides
- Program positive intentions into any Energy Harmonizer to send them out to the universe
- Recharge all Energy Harmonizer by occasionally putting it inside the included Light-Life Tensor Ring overnight
Light-Life Tools have created several Energy Harmonizers including Personal, Environmental, Community (Agricultural), Matrix, and Storm Chaser. Just as with our other products, the larger the tool = the larger its resulting energy field. The heavier the gauge of the wire = the stronger the energy field. However, the smaller tools are just as effective as the larger ones, they simply have a smaller radius of influence and may take longer to produce similar effects.
Personal Energy Harmonizers
Depending on the size of the Personal Energy Harmonizer they can affect an area of between 5 and 20 feet around our bodies as well as through us. As the Harmonizer’s energy travels through our body, following the meridian channels, the energy will work its way gently through us from head to toe. It appears that a user’s personal bio-field is being strengthened and enhanced by the life force energy. All Personal Energy Harmonizers come with a Sacred ½ Cubit Tensor Ring to clear the energy.
Sacred Cubit Personal Energy Harmonizer seems to work more in the physical realm. It may make you feel grounded, empowered, and self-confident. It seems to reduce stress levels and protect your energy field from harmful influences. The Mini Sacred Cubit Personal Energy Harmonizer was created for people who want the effect of the Sacred Cubit using a smaller easier-to-transport tool.
Lost Cubit Personal Energy Harmonizer seems to work more on the mental and emotional level, easing related discomfort and reducing stress levels. We found it has an uplifting quality about it and may ease psychological issues. The Mini Lost Cubit Personal Energy Harmonizer was created for people who want the effect of the Lost Cubit using a smaller easier-to-transport size.
Empowerment Cubit Personal Energy Harmonizer seems to work on the mental but also on the spiritual level and connect with higher consciousness. The Mini Empowerment Cubit Personal Energy Harmonizer was created for people who want the effect of the Empowerment Cubit using a smaller easier-to-transport size.
Unity Personal Energy Harmonizer is a combination of the Sacred and Lost Cubits. It seems to increase intuitive abilities, patience, and consciousness. The Unity appears to be a powerful protector of all of the Personal Energy Harmonizers on a physical as well as emotional level. In addition to that, it may help ease stress and speed up the recovery process. The Mini Unity Personal Energy Harmonizer has the same properties as the standard size, however, its range does not go out as far.
Synergy Personal Energy Harmonizer is made using all three cubit measurements: Sacred, Lost, and Empowerment. In addition to the qualities of the other Personal Energy Harmonizers, it seems to significantly reduce the harmful effects of Electromagnetic Fields (EMFs). It may also decrease anger impulses in you and those within its energy field.
Environmental Energy Harmonizers
All of Light-Life’s Environmental Energy Harmonizers seem to pull out harmful energy from the environment, transmute it into beneficial energy, and then release it back out into the environment. These Tools seem to help balance earth’s energy and create a harmonious atmosphere that allows all life forms to flourish and thrive. The Environmental Energy Harmonizers come with a Sacred ½ Cubit Tensor Ring and a mini Environmental Clearing CD. The Tensor Ring may be used to put over the Harmonizer to reduce its energy field to the size of the Ring and also to recharge the Harmonizer.
Sacred Cubit Environmental Energy Harmonizer seems to produce an energy field that has an approximate 100-foot radius, and when activated with an Environmental Clearing CD that radius may increase to about 15 miles. This Harmonizer may help reduce air pollution significantly. It can also be used in a session to help alleviate chronic issues.
Lost Cubit Environmental Energy Harmonizer seems to produce an energy field that has an approximate 120-foot radius, and when activated with an Environmental Clearing CD that radius may increase to about 25 miles. This Harmonizer may help encourage plant growth without using additional pesticides. It has also shown to be very helpful with easing emotional and mental issues.
Empowerment Environmental Energy Harmonizer seems to have a radius that is much larger than the Sacred or Lost Cubit. This Harmonizer has shown to have an uplifting quality, working on the spiritual and mental levels. It may also bring up issues that need resolving and give you the strength to deal with them.
Community (Agricultural) Energy Harmonizers
Light-life’s Community (Agricultural) Energy Harmonizers are similar to our Environmental Energy Harmonizers, except that they have a much greater toroidal field that may help cleanse and balance larger areas. This helps crops become more lush, vibrant, and nutritious, and also helps animals maintain health and strength. All Community (Agricultural) Energy Harmonizers come with a Sacred 1 Cubit Heavy Tensor Ring and an Environmental Clearing CD.
Sacred Cubit Community (Agricultural) Energy Harmonizer has a working radius of about 1.5 miles which increases to approximately 65 miles when activated with the Environmental Clearing CD. This Harmonizer seems to create a harmonious atmosphere where farm fields flourish and birds and useful insects thrive.
Lost Cubit Community (Agricultural) Energy Harmonizer has a working radius of about 2 miles which increases to approximately 85 miles when activated with the Environmental Clearing CD. This Harmonizer seems to restore soil, clear water pollution, and increase plant growth. In addition, it encourages creativity, productivity, and enthusiasm to those within its energy field.
Empowerment Cubit Community (Agricultural) Energy Harmonizer does everything the Sacred and Lost Cubits are capable of doing including clearing the air, water, soil. Even without the Environmental Clearing CD, this harmonizer seems to have a broader range than either the Sacred or the Lost Cubit do. It’s estimated that activating it with the CD a conservative radius is over 100 miles. Additionally, it seems to add a more spiritual quality that works more on the physical, emotional, and mental areas.
Matrix Energy Harmonizer appears to strengthen the immune system by supporting the physical, mental, and emotional levels, enhance thought patterns, and intensify the six senses: sight, smell, taste, touch, sound, and intuition.
Storm Chaser
The Storm Chaser is an Energy Harmonizer designed specifically to meet the increasing threat of severe weather occurring on Earth due to the rapidly increasing rate of global warming. This Energy Harmonizer has an approximate working radius of 400-800 miles when it’s activated with the Environmental Clearing CD. (These were Slim Spurling’s best estimates at the time he researched them. Ranges may vary because of increased electromagnetic fields and environmental pollution.) Originally, the Storm Chaser was designed for people who live on the coast where hurricanes wreak havoc on the environment. It appears to cause hurricanes to collapse, dramatically decreasing the danger from and damage caused by them. After placing a Storm Chaser in Sarasota, Florida (2005), we noticed that Florida’s Red Tide (a toxic algae bloom), abated in the area. We can only surmise that the Storm Chaser neutralizes organic and inorganic chemical pollutants and we are continuing our research to confirm these results.
Jewelry & Pendants
Light-Life Jewelry can be described as functional art that can be worn all day to help you tap into your own personal energy field. Each and every piece of jewelry is unique and intended to bring more energy and peace into your life. Jewelry made in the Sacred Cubit measurement may help with the 3-dimensional or physical aspects; while jewelry made with the Lost Cubit measurement may help calm mental and emotional issues.
Earrings come in small and large sizes as well as gold and silver finishes. Light-Life Earrings may help relieve headaches as well as assist with focus and clarity. They can only help enhance your own personal bio-field as well as look beautiful on.
Venus Finger Rings are based on the ancient Vedic medicine concept that gold, silver, and copper have beneficial effects on physical health, emotional stability, and spiritual clarity. The energy properties of the Finger Rings seem to depend on which hand or finger they are placed on. The left-hand represents the past; the right-hand the present and future. The thumbs represent personal will while the index fingers represent your professional approach to life, enthusiasm, and dedication. Middle fingers represent mental processes what would influence your career and ring fingers are attached to the heart and emotions. While the little fingers govern outside relationships and your connections to groups of people.
Lotus Pendants are smaller wearable versions of the Seed of Life that will give you the same benefits. It is made from seven smaller Tensor Rings inside a larger Tensor Ring. The result is a pattern that looks like a lotus flower. These pendants help you create internal calm and peace.
Moon Pendants are created from the Sacred, Lost, and Empowerment Cubit measurements. They are designed to help you connect to the heart. They help you see all the peace and love that surrounds you and help you deal with negative self-talk. These Pendants appear to enhance your life-force and soften any fear found inside yourself.
Pyramid Pendants may help to realign and harmonize your energetic matrix that runs throughout your entire energy field physically, mentally, and emotionally. It might bring about an increase of energy healing in the body, as well as self-awareness and alignment of harmony on all levels. The Pyramid Pendant seems to connect you to the truth of who you are, assisting you throughout your life and spiritual journey. Wherever you go, it appears to raise your vibrations as well as those in the environment.
More Light-Life® Tools
EMF Protection Kits:
- Includes Light-Life Tensor Rings for computer EMF protection.
- EMF Protection Kit 2 adds a Sacred Cubit Environmental Energy Harmonizer (silver-plated) for geopathic stress defense.
Phone Ring Set:
- Comes in an adhesive leather pouch for cell phones and wireless devices.
- Shields users from potential EMF exposure damage.
Acupressure Tool:
- Balances acupressure points by directing life-force energy.
- Loop end concentrates energy; ball end enhances energy flow.
Nose Mask:
- Ionizes inhaled air for easier breathing.
- Ideal for seasonal allergies or colds.
- Silver: Suitable for sensitive skin and energy sensitivities.
- Gold: Recommended for higher air pollution environments.