As November ushers in the chill of late autumn and the last leaves fall, it’s a wonderful time to rejuvenate your home and clear negative energy. However, preparing your space for the colder months ahead is not just about cleaning out closets and switching up your decor. It is about ensuring the energy in your home flows freely and supports a peaceful, harmonious environment. Light-Life Tools can help you achieve that harmony. So, let’s dive into how you can get a deep clean that reaches into the energetic realm.

Why Energy Clearing is Important
Just like dust and clutter, energy can build up in our homes over time. Whether from stress, emotional turmoil, or the daily hustle, this energy can create blockages that affect how you feel and function in your space. Clearing out stagnant energy helps to uplift the atmosphere, improve well-being, and create a supportive environment for you and your family.
Tips for Clearing Energy
Start with a Smudge
- Traditional energy-clearing practices like smudging with sage or Palo Santo are effective at removing negative energy. Start at the front door and work your way clockwise around each room. Set an intention for peace and harmony as you go.

Use a Light-Life Feedback Loop for Targeted Energy Clearing
- If there are specific areas in your home where you feel heavy or stuck energy – like a cluttered corner or a space where arguments often occur – the Feedback Loop is an excellent tool to utilize. Hold the Loop in the space where the energy feels dense, and slowly move it in circular motions. The Feedback Loop works to pull out the negative energy, leaving behind a more balanced and open flow.
- You can also stand the Feedback Loop on its end and simply let it sit in the area you are trying to clear. Placing it on your nightstand is also an excellent way to help you get a restful night’s sleep.
Rearrange Your Furniture
- Sometimes there is nothing quite as satisfying as redecorating. That can get expensive though, so try redecorating with what you already have. Breathing new life into a room can be as easy as changing the angle of a couch or table.
- Even better if you want to try and incorporate some Feng Shui principles into your home.
- However, if you are new to Feng Shui, it is important to do your research and start with small and simple elements. For instance, the entryway or front door is where all life force energy enters, and it should be kept clear of clutter.
Place a Harmonizer in Your Home
- Placing a Harmonizer in your home is a wonderful way to keep the energy clear and focused on your current intention. Place your harmonizer in a central area and take a few moments each day to breathe and place your intentions for your space/life. And don’t forget to clear your harmonizer every so often (by putting a Tensor Ring around it). Whether it’s daily, weekly, or monthly, clear your Harmonizer on a schedule that works for you.

Clear Your Energy Field with a Personal Harmonizer
- Just as you clear your space, it’s equally important to clear your personal energy field. Wearing a Personal Harmonizer during your cleaning process may help you to keep your energy grounded and also stay aligned with your intentions for your home. As you declutter and reorganize, you’ll feel more centered and at ease, ensuring that the positive shifts in your space extend to your own well-being.
Go at Your Own Pace
- Remember this is an uplifting activity, not a stressful one. So, if you have a hard time letting go of objects or events, go slow! Start with the room you spend the most time in. And if one room is too much, start with one corner. You may find that even clearing out one corner helps you move on to the rest of the house. Just remember to go at your own pace.
Maintain the Balance Throughout Fall and Winter
Once you’ve completed your fall deep clean, you can maintain the balance by regularly checking in with your space. Every couple of weeks do a quick sweep with a Feedback Loop or Acu-Vac Coil. Or smudge your rooms to ensure energy remains clear. As you prepare for winter, consider introducing candles or salt lamps to enhance warm and welcoming energy in your home.
By using Light-Life Tools, you’re not only cleaning the physical aspects of your space but also giving your home an energetic refresh that promotes peace, balance, and harmony. This fall, take the time to deep clean your space on all levels – physically, emotionally, and energetically – and enjoy the tranquility it brings.
With these tools, your home can become a sanctuary of positive energy.
If you want to learn how Light-Life Tools can help you detoxify your home, read this blog.