An Excerpt from “In The Mind of A Master”
Below is an excerpt from the book “In The Mind of A Master”. Everything in italics are quotes directly from Slim Spurling.
There’s no magic to it.
Slim Spurling
I just pay attention and experiment.
Rediscovering Dowsing
All things, whether living or inert, give off energetic radiation. Our own senses can feel and measure these energies. One method of communication used to translate these energies between the conscious and subconscious mind is a technique called dowsing.
In today’s society, dowsing is slowly being rediscovered as a useful tool, as we reawaken to our innate abilities. The American Society of Dowsers, which started with a small group of interested individuals in 1961, has grown today to over 3,000 members. A quick search of the Internet can lead one to a vast collection of workshops, conferences, organizations, and reference materials on this topic. As the consciousness of the planet shifts into a new paradigm, techniques such as dowsing will be viewed in a different light. Previously scoffed at by modern-day scientists as lacking credibility, skilled dowsers today successfully locate long-lasting sources of water and oil. Their results are stunning and elevate dowsing to a legitimate art. Through fields of study such as quantum physics, science may soon catch up with what is already intuitively known by many. The wheels of change are turning. As we expand our awareness, we accept that there are forces outside of our realm of understanding. They may not be identifiable by traditional scientific terms, but may provide us with better ways of doing things. In the context of this book and the teaching methods employed by Slim Spurling, dowsing is an important skill to be mastered, especially when working with geopathically stressed areas.
Slim Spurling’s method of locating and blocking geopathic stress has transformed countless lives. By neutralizing disruptive earth energies, many have reported significant relief from chronic health issues, improved financial stability, and even repaired strained relationships. When geopathic stress is present, it can create subtle yet profound imbalances in our well-being, affecting everything from sleep quality to emotional resilience. By addressing these hidden environmental stressors, Slim’s dowsing technique offers a powerful tool for restoring harmony in both personal and professional aspects of life. Click here to learn about the next workshop.

Dowsing is a common practice in many cultures, which dates back thousands of years. It is easily learned and is particularly useful in identifying the earth energy lines, both positive and negative, which cause an impact in our homes, communities, and work spaces. It is fairly common in the U.S. culture to use a dowser to locate water or other underground lines, though less common to use it to identify and divert negative energy lines. Dowsing is an excellent tool for locating and diverting negative earth energies.
Dowsing is an art, which interfaces the unseen world with our energy body and can be thought of as our intuition communicating with us through dowsing tools. Dowsing is as simple as asking and watching the dowsing instrument for the answer. The key is to ask clear questions with a clear intention.
Dowsing is easy to do and easy to learn. Women tend to learn it more quickly and can be better at it then men, but anyone can learn it. Even a child can do it. Almost anything can used to dowse. Many old-time Dowsers dowse with the branches from certain trees, such as willow, apple, or ash, and others use a pendulum. You can also dowse just using your body! As you become more tuned in, you will “feel” the answers. Many people start with a pendulum or “L” rods or even a willow branch. Most people will have a preference, finding it easier to work with one or another. What you use to dowse is less important then having clear intention. Even if you already know how to dowse with a pendulum, it is helpful to learn dowsing with “L” rods, as they work well in helping identify geopathic stress lines and verifying the direction of the flow of the lines.
Dowsing for natural oil and gas works well when the dowser and a geologist work together. Seismic surveys, accurate for indicating structures, are not always correct when indicating hydrocarbon areas. Dowsing at a site of interest for hydrocarbon-bearing areas increases the likelihood of confirming natural oil and gas. One of my students retired in his 40s as a multi-millionaire using the techniques he learned from me and applied them to dowse for oil.
Anyone can practice dowsing without a license. However, I highly recommend that you take proper lessons to ensure accurate, beneficial results.

How Does Dowsing Work?
No one really understands why dowsing works, but there are several possible explanations. Some suggest there is an intuitive connection between the dowser and the information they are seeking. Since all things both living and inanimate give off energy, the dowser tunes into this field or vibration, which creates a response observed by the movement of the dowsing tool. Other explanations state our internal sensory systems are extremely sensitive to changes in the electrical and magnetic fields, which in turn cause involuntary movements of the muscles to occur. Some believe dowsing tools act as powerful antennas receiving information from vibrations produced by people, places, objects, and thoughts. But like many things we come in contact with daily, we do not necessarily need to understand why something works in order to use it. For example, even though people do not understand how electricity works, it does not stop them from turning on a power switch. Most individuals have no real understanding of how an automobile is able to get them from one place to another, yet this does not stop them from operating a motor vehicle. And although we cannot explain how a thought forms in our mind, it does not prevent us from thinking and communicating with one another. Some day we may have a clearer understanding of how dowsing works, but until then we can still benefit from utilizing this skill.
Want to Learn More?
If you are interested in learning more about dowsing, consider attending our next event in Erie, CO.
Geopathic Stress Reduction (Dowsing) and the Light-Life Energy Tools
Geopathic Stress Reduction (Dowsing) and Light-Life Energy Tools (Workshop with Scott and Katharina Spurling-Kaffl)
Date and Time:
Saturday, March 29th, 2025, 10 am – 5:30 pm
Sunday, March 30th, 2025, 10 am – 5:30 pm
Where: Erie, CO 80516
$396 if registered by 3/3/2025
$455 if registered after 3/3/2025
“Bring a friend” (admits 2 people):
$727 if registered before 3/3/2025
$847 if registered after 3/3/2025