Today we’d like to share a few extracts from the book In the Mind of a Master about Tensor Rings explained Slim Spurling.
Description of the Light-Life Rings
“… There are two factors: one is the measurement. We use the Sacred Cubit lengths for our measurements. The cubit lengths are taken from the Egyptian Pyramid, the Great Pyramid, and that is from the yardstick or the fundamental metric that was used in the pyramid. The Sacred Cubit length, which we measure in conventional inches, is 20.6 inches. The circumference of the ring then, is 20.6 inches, give or take a few hundredths. This measurement is probably, as we’ve recently learned, tied into the fundamental wavelength of a portion of the gravity field, which has to do with construction.
We all know how resonant frequencies can either create or destroy. We use the example of bridges collapsing when troops are all marching in unison. That can cause harmonics, which can cause a bridge to structurally disintegrate. What we found is this cubit length seems to cause things to integrate rather than disintegrate. The frequencies and energy field generated then resonate at the creation level of energy. If we move over here, we would probably find a different length, which could create or destroy structural materials. But we’re not interested in that. We’re only looking for beneficial effects“.

How a Ring Potentizes Water – Observations of Water Treated with Light-Life Technology
“… A Light-Life Ring increases the available energy in the water instantaneously.
It causes water to emit light and it causes an expansion of the atomic radius. Now this is a deductive process. The way we came to this was through the use of an instrument, which would detect the change or increase in the available light being emitted from water. In other words, water has a certain level of energy as it sits in the glass, or exists in your water pipes, or a lake or stream.
What we found is that the rings cause an increase in energy, which manifests as an increase in full spectrum light all the way from infrared on up to ultra violet. But the increase in light energy can only occur if the electron orbit expands, rotates at a greater distance from the nucleus, and then falls back slightly to the next energy level. And when it falls back to the next energy level, it emits a photon. So, here’s this little bitty energy package we call an atom with electrons whirling around it. They encounter the energy field of the ring. That expands; the electrons have a larger orbit. They fall back to their natural state and emit energy in the form of light…

… Psychics and radionics operators verify greater ‘vitality’ of water. The rings cause water to fluoresce. These quantum light effects have been studied instrumentally and confirmed through psychic observation. The ‘light’ field above or below the ring appears to relax the cell membranes to allow better oxygen/nutrient/waste transport in and out of the cell.“
Ring Materials
“… The rings are constructed from copper or sterling silver, then may be plated with a combination of silver and gold. In addition, we add either audio or electronic frequencies known to produce healing effects and to have beneficial qualities. And that’s encoded right into the copper on every single item we produce...
… 24K gold plating adds a higher frequency due to the structure of the 24K gold
atom in the crystal as it’s deposited onto these rings. Every 24K gold plated
tool is first plated with silver…

…The sterling silver tools seem to work at a slightly different subtle level and they seem to be smoother and faster in operation. Smoother and faster won’t mean anything to the reader right now, but those who are in daily practice and have worked with the tools for some time – chiropractors, MDs, massage therapists, and other healers – seem to have a preference for the action of the sterling silver. Yet, anyone – attorneys, bus drivers, housewives, laboring people – will get along just fine with the standard copper and gold plated tools, which are just as effective in the long run.“