The Lost ½ Cubit Lotus Pendant, silver plated, may help enhance the experience during a spiritual journey. It helps you connect to the earth by boosting feelings of being grounded. Hanging this Pendant in a room may raise the vibration level within. Practitioners in the healing arts seem to be drawn to the more subtle energy of silver plated Tools. This may also be true of those who are energetically sensitive or on a spiritual journey.
This Pendant is a powerful Tool supporting emotional issues and transformations on a profound level. It my help reset and harmonize DNA. It also works on the higher levels of the chakras while gently opening up intuition. Try placing it on each chakra for 5 seconds first thing in the morning, then again before you go to sleep. This may help elevate energy setting you up for a positive day and a restful night’s sleep.
Clear the Lotus Pendant in between uses by swiping your hand over it north to south then east to west. Do not use a circular motion as this can disrupt the energy. Moving the Lotus Pendant slowly up and down when concentrating on a specific area puts the energy into motion and seems to kick it up a notch.
Technical Information
The Lost ½ Cubit Lotus Pendant, silver plated, is based on the Seed of Life. Only a much smaller version. It is created from a Lost ½ Cubit Heavy Tensor Ring with seven Sacred ¼ Cubit Tensor Rings arranged in the lotus pattern. Slim Spurling believed the overlapping of Rings intensifies the energy field. This Pendant is about 4″ across and weighs approximately 1.7 ounces. The Pendant’s base is copper. It has nine alternating layers of silver and 24K gold. The layer first start with silver and then end in silver.
The heavy wire of the Lost ½ Cubit Tensor Ring creates a stronger field density, which seems to generate more light and life force energy. The tensor field of our Light-Life Rings is the empty space within the circumference. The tensor field creates a higher vibration that may bring beneficial life-force to everything within its energy field.
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